14. First date

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"O. M. G. You are telling me you found an icing rink here? YOU EVEN BROUGHT A SKATING SHOE OF MY SIZE? YOU ARE THE BEST SHANKS!" you said hugging Shanks, arms around his neck. He had a wide grin on his face and cheeks lightly flushed due to the sudden physical affection. 

Not that he was complaining.

"This is just the starting, M'lady. The day has just begun. So, get ready for skating! oh wait, lemme do that for you" Shanks said as he picked you up and sat you down on the car seat, then crouched down to put the shoes for you.

That was honestly adorable.

Then he gives a hand for you to hold to and slowly lets you to the rink. 

On reaching the rink, he takes both your hands and starts speeding off, making you scream in delight. 

After that, he put on our favorite song, and the rest of the world was forgotten for some time.

It was perfect. 

Skating, laughter, teasing, falling downs, bickers, and slow dancing-skating.

It was special

And felt right

It felt like us.

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