Chapter 4, Bed Rest

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"You have been sentenced to bed rest."

Isa announced. Now the three (3) were thirteen (13), and apparently Winnie has a fever. So now Isa and Augustine were at Winnie's house looking after him.

"You guys don't have to stay here, you know."

Winnie said, he had to lay back against some pillows that Isa stacked behind him.

"No. You're sick, and we're here to take care of you."

Augustine said, sitting by his bed.

"My parents are here to take care of me-"

Winnie said, before getting cut off by Isa.

"No, no, no, no, as your certified best friends, we're taking care of you. And if you need anything, I can get it for you while Augustine stays here with you!"

She said, standing up proudly.

"Let's be honest, Isa, you're gonna end up forgetting what you're supposed to get."

Augustine said, crossing his arms.

"Will not!"

She replied, seeming offended. The other just rolled his eyes while the blonde just smiled at their bickering.

"I'm gonna go get some soup for Winnie, my mom said that's good... for something. I don't remember what it was good for but she gave it to me when I had a fever so yeah."

Isa said, before turning to leave the room. She closed the door behind her, leaving Winnie and Augustine alone. Then the brunette scoffed.

"She says her memory isn't that bad but then she says 'I don't remember'."

Augustine said, before turning to Winnie.

"But anyway, are you feeling ok?"

He asked.

"I feel a slight headache.. but I'm ok."

Winnie replied with a smile, making the other smile as well.

"That's good.."

Augustine said, he was going to say something else, but then Isa came back inside the room.

"I'm back!"

She said, holding a glass of water, probably for Winnie.

"And where's the soup you said you were gonna get? Did you forget it?"

Augustine said, smirking.

"I did not forget it! For your information, Winnie's mom found me and I told her I was gonna get soup for her son, so she told me she'll make it and bring it up instead."

Isa defended herself, putting the glass of water down on a table they moved beside Winnie's bed.

"Alright, fine."

The brunette male said, leaving the smaller individual alone on the topic of being forgetful. Still, the stubborn female pre-teenage crossed her arms and grumbled. Both because of Augustine's words but also because she was bored.

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