Chapter 22, A Date?

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A while after her dad's funeral, Isa seemed fine. She seemed to be dealing with his death better than expected, and she recovered from it. One could guess that she was thinking optimistically, making sense of why she seemed to be feeling fine.

Anyway, the trio we all know and love were, at the moment, just resting in Winnie's dorm room for the afternoon. It was already around 4:00 pm, and they were really just talking about whatever.

"I will never forget everytime we went ice-skating. Do you remember how many times I fell?"

Isa said, they were just talking about hockey when the topic about iceskating was brought up.

"About 21 times in total."

Winnie answered, surprising the brunette female.

"Why do you remember that?"

She asked, unsure whether to be impressed, offended, or both.

"Augustine told me to keep count."

He said, pointing over to the mentioned individual.

"I'm never letting you live those down."

Augustine said with a prideful smirk. And Isa settled for offended.

"Ha, ha, ha. You're such a great friend."

She said sarcastically, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the taller brunette.

"Thank you."

He said, and Winnie sighed. Just another regular friday, he supposed. Speaking of ice-skating, he just got an idea.

"Hey, we should go ice-skating again one day"

Winnie suggested, and Isa desperately shook her head while Augustine smiled.

"You're right, we should."

He said, glancing at the shorter brunette as she glared at him.

"Tch, of course you'd agree with him..."

She mumbled just loud enough for Augustine to barely hear it.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

He said, immediently turning to look at her.

"Figure it out yourself, dumbass."

She said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Alright, you two. Maybe we should calm down a little."

Winnie said, stopping them before it escalated too far... again.

"Anyway, I was thinking that maybe later we could go out for dinner!"

He suggested, which managed to calm the other two down... if only for a moment.

"So basically... a date with a thirdwheel tagging along?"

She said, snickering under her breath.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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