Chapter 2 - 'That place'

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I sat in the back of a car, Minho was driving and Felix was sat close by me. The car was nice, but not overly flashy, just enough to know that Minho obviously had some good money tucked away.

I pulled my seatbelt on around me, too nervous to really object. The whole thing was very weird, and random, obviously they didn't have bad intentions otherwise they wouldn't have approached me in the middle of the university building in broad daylight, right?

"Where are we going...?" I muttered, fiddling with the hem of my skirt. Felix seemed to scoot closer, reaching over and touching one of the blue strands of hair. I usually wore black clothing, but when it came to my hair I liked to add a pop of colour. So where my hair was dark brown, I had a few peekaboo highlights.

"Your hair is nice, Y/n. It really suits you, have you ever thought about going red? Or pink?" Felix looked at me, and his soft gaze was hard to ignore. He had completely avoided my question, and Minho was just sat in silence.

I carefully nodded my head, biting my bottom lip as I muttered out a small "mhm.." I liked to change the colour up occasionally, but only when it faded out. Blue had been my favourite so far.

The journey was starting to get long, but I hadn't realised we had left the city and entered the more forested areas. Felix liked to talk a lot, and he was rather clingy and distracting, it would be cute if it wasn't for the fact he was a stranger.

The car hauled to a stop and Minho climbed out, it took me a second to realise until my door swung open. "Where are we?" I asked again, not yet moving.

Minho leant over, undoing my seatbelt for me before taking my hand and effortlessly lifting me out of the car "seriously, you need to relax. What do you thinks going to happen?" He narrowed his eyes at me, before walking around to the back of the car.

Felix was already gathering out a blanket and a cooler, before starting to walk. I again just followed idly behind. Maybe I should cut them some slack, they weren't total strangers after all. Maybe this could be the start of a friendship.

After a few moments we arrived to this secluded area, where a hot spring sat. I'm guessing Felix saw the look on my face, because he started laughing "don't worry, y/n. It's a hot spring... it's not cold."

"It's not that... I just... I don't have any swim wear?" I tilted my head slightly, a small frown on my face.

"Isn't underwear the same as a bikini?" Minho looked at me, and at first I thought he was joking but he was serious.

"W-well no-... not exactly." I reached my hand up, rubbing the back of my head. I quickly turned my head away when he started to undress, but as I did Felix stood there already in his underwear.

"Here, y/n. You can wear this" he offered out his shirt, causing me to purse my lips. I wasn't expecting him to be so nice about it. "And we won't look" he added as he turned to look at Minho.

I turned away from the two, starting to undress before pulling on felix's shirt. It was a little big, but it was comfy and the scent was just intoxicating. When I turned back around, both boys were staring at me. "Hey!- you said you wouldn't look." I folded my arms across my chest, frowning.

"You shouldn't wear matching underwear if you don't want someone to see" Minho smirked, before turning and jumping into the hot spring without hesitation. Felix however opened the cooler, handing a beer to Minho before one to me.

I opened the can and took a sip, before carefully stepping into the hot spring. "Careful Y/n, the rocks can be slippy" Felix warned.

The water was warm, nice, and it was definitely a nice spot that provided that feeling of relaxation and comfort. Felix soon joined us in the water, settling down.

For a moment there was just awkward silence as we all sat there, sipping our drink. That was until I spoke "why did you bring me here?"

They both seemed a little surprised by the question, and Felix looked at me with a raised brow "why not? You seem so tense all the time"

"All the time...? I don't even know you?" I looked at him confused, smiling a little.

"Yea but, it's not hard to see. You're always intensely tapping away on your laptop in class, at the library. And we've never seen you at a single party or hangout. Or anywhere outside of class." Minho seemed so casual in the way he spoke, his face blank. I have to admit, he was more observant than I expected.

"Are you, stalking me?" I joked, my eyes going a little wide. Obviously I didn't mean it, but it definitely seemed that way in the way they spoke.

Felix seemed to laugh, moving closer "no y/n, you're just intriguing. No one knows anything about you and you're kind of a loner." He taunted, throwing some water at me.

I went to splash him back, but as he dodged I got Minho instead. In all honesty, the man intimidated me. His duality was insane, and I didn't truly know him that well. But as he stood up, a smile appeared on his face "you're going to pay for that.." he said, swinging his arm to fling water at both me and Felix.

I ran for cover behind Felix, a light squeal leaving my lips. "Felix help!" I shielded my beer with one hand, sneaking a sip.

Felix just seemed to laugh, putting his arms out "now now, Lee know. Play nicely..." he teased. But soon after Minho disappeared under the water.

I took a step back, letting out a scream when I felt myself lifting up, Minho coming between my legs from under the water and lifting me on his shoulders. I didn't have the best balance, holding my arms out as a wobbled slightly.

His hands ran up my thighs to steady me, and my heart started to race wondering if he had the same thoughts I did right now. But as I looked down, I noticed Felix's rosey cheeks. I looked down, pulling the shirt to unstick it from my figure. It was seemingly pointless, now that it was partially see through and stuck to me with every movement, but it made me feel more comfortable.

After a few seconds, Minho let go and pushed me back off his shoulders, letting me plummet back into the water. As I resurfaced, I pushed my hair back out of my face "what was that for!?" I pretended to be upset, pouting a little.

Minho just sort of shrugged, shifting back to where he had been before as Felix launched himself at me, his arms falling around my waist "aw Y/n, did he hurt you!?" He teased, causing me to roll my eyes in response.

"Maybe we should get to know each other. I don't know you guys that well." I suggested, wiggling free from Felix's grip.

The boys seemed to nod in unison, agreeing with my idea. Maybe they weren't so annoying after all.

That's the end of chapter 2!
Thanks for reading x

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