Chapter 4 - Feelings

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It had been a week ish since the entire hot spring incident. That weekend I think I spent the entire two days with the two boys, getting to know them better and building a real friendship. The only problem was that neither Minho or Felix could keep their hands and flirtatious nature to themselves, and things were getting a little complicated in myself.

I rarely spent time at my apartment anymore or by myself, which wasn't much of an issue. But now that I realise how much work I have to catch up on I knew I'd have to make some sort of change to this friendship.

It was a Friday, so that meant the weekend was beginning, meaning Felix and Minho were probably waiting for me out the front. I found myself feeling excited to see them more and more often.

So I made my way out to the front, looking towards the bench where they are usually waiting, except they weren't there. That's when Felix came behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders "come on y/n... we have a good evening planned!"

I took a few steps forwards, giggling at his excitement "actually Lixy, I'll have to bail tonight. I have some work to catch up on... you two have been taking up all of my time." I looked back at the two, watching their faces fade to disappointment.

"Don't be so boring, y/n. You have all weekend for that." Minho seemed to push slightly, which wasn't unusual. They always convinced me into their little adventures.

"Sorry Lee Know... I really can't let my grades slip." I frowned a little. It wasn't that I didn't want to spend time with them, I just couldn't. "Tomorrow?" I suggested, before taking a few steps away.

Felix rushed to stop me, standing in front of me "come on y/n... the party is tonight and I've never seen you at a party before, we can compromise. Please please please..." Felix was very convincing, with those cute freckles and big eyes. He was so hard to say no too.

Minho slung his arm over my shoulders as we started to walk, probably his way of trying to direct me to his car "if you come, we can study all weekend I promise. And we can help each other." As Minho spoke, Felix took my bag off my shoulder to carry it for me.

The two were extremely convincing and it did sound fun. "Okay... okay fine! But we have to study all weekend." I finally agreed to their silly little party. "And I need to change my clothes first"

I saw Felix's face light up again, pulling me into a hug "I knew it! Don't worry we'll have a great night." He was trying to be reassuring but I wasn't so sure. I didn't attend parties for a reason, because I never really enjoyed them.

Minho drove us to my little off campus apartment, which the boys had only been in once or twice and not for long. They had never needed to come in really before.

Felix grabbed a duffel bag from before coming inside, causing a questioning look. "Girls take too long to get ready.. so we bought our clothes here. Saves us driving back." Minho explained, dropping onto the sofa.

"What made you sure I'd say yes?" I teased, raising my brows at the pair.

"You didn't have a choice, y/n. We would have kidnapped you" Felix chimed in, looking over at the kitchen. "Can we prepare some dinner for you? Can't drink on an empty stomach."

I gave them both the go ahead, before going over to the bathroom to have a quick freshen up and get ready. Like any girl I enjoyed a good makeover and feeling sexy.

After the shower I came to eat with the boys in my pyjamas and hair rollers, just some comfy clothes before I had to get ready. I sat opposite the boys, looking at them both.

It was hard not to think about how things had changed, how just a week ago I was living so boringly and my days were so repetitive. Both Minho and Felix bought a spark to my life, and it was hard not to love them for that.

Despite their contrasting personalities, they were both so endearing and addicting.

Minho waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts "Y/n?"

Thats when I realised just how complicated things were becoming. Is it possible to love two people at one time?

One thing I was certain of was that I couldn't lose either of them. They were both so special to me, so it was better to swallow my feelings and keep them to myself, giving them both a nod and forgetting my own thoughts... for now at least.

Thanks for reading!

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