Chapter 5 - The Party

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After taking our time to get ready, and about five different outfit swaps I had finally settled on an outfit. I had never been to many parties, so finding an outfit party appropriate had been harder than I thought. Thanks to Felix's help, it had turned out half decent.

I stepped out of my bedroom, finally ready to go when Minho interrupted. "No. Absolutely not. Go put the long sleeved back on." He demanded, making it obvious it wasn't a question.

"Are you kidding Lee know? She looks so good... and we're going to be late!" Felix complained in retaliation, holding his hands out in exaggeration as Minho stood there, contemplating.

"Fine. But don't come crawling if get cold..." Minho huffed slightly as he turned to leave my apartment, and just like that we were ready to go.

It was only a short walk from my place, a typical university house party. It was nothing like I had been to before, and honestly my nervousness was growing as we walked up to the front door. What would people think of me showing up with both Minho and Felix? The girls are going to hate me.

Felix just walked straight in, finding his way through the crowd as he sort of dragged me by my hand. Apparently the party was hosted by some older man, his name was Bangchan or something like that. I couldn't fully remember.

I hadn't even noticed Minho had disappeared until he returned with three red cups, a drink for us each. Usually I'd pour my own drinks at a place like this, but this was Minho, I trusted him. And so I took the cup, starting to drink.

The party had a great atmosphere, and I got to meet some of the boys other friends. There was a blonde called Hyunjin who was really into art, and Seungmin and I.N who were like brothers. Then there were two others whose names I had already forgotten.

The drinks were flowing and the more time that passed the more comfortable I became, even wondering off by myself and talking to some people. There were a group of girls who I had befriended, and now stood chatting too. I didn't know if it was genuine, or just because I had found myself in the middle of the male friend group.

They dragged me over to where people were dancing, and admittedly it was nice to let loose. Maybe it was the alcohol in my system, or the atmosphere of the party, but it felt as if I had nothing to worry about.

My hips moved to the beat of the music, my hands tracing down over my body as I danced. That's when I felt a pair of strong hands around me, except it wasn't Felix or Minho. I could tell by the cologne, it was strong, suffocating almost. As I tilted my head back to see who it was, I recognised Han Jisung from earlier.

"You should be careful... you never know who's lurking around." He teased, leaning his head down close to my ear. It wasn't overly weird, there was still a few inches between our bodies.

I couldn't help but laugh a little at his words, finding it a little amusing "like you?" I retorted, smiling at him.

He cocked a brow at me in response, before smiling "so what's the deal? Are you here with Minho or Felix?" I couldn't tell if he was just trying to find out the dynamic of our friendship, or if he was trying to make a move on me.

"Both... but it's not like that.." I tilted my head slightly, wishing it was different. I glanced over in the boys direction, who seemed to not notice. Minho was pretty focused on a girl, and Felix seemed to be mingling with basically everyone.

Han seemed please my response, taking it as fair game. He was in fact figuring out the friendship, purely for some gossip, but with an attractive girl on the line he might as well take his shot.

His hands tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I didn't mind it, he was incredibly attractive after all. "You look irresistible in that little skirt.." he whispered, then I felt his lips traveling along my jaw and down my neck.

My legs tensed slightly, my hips pushing back against him as his kisses sent small ripples of pleasure through my body. It felt good, but this was Minho's and Felix's friend. It seemed a little too wrong.

But as I felt his teeth sinking into that space between my neck and my shoulder, I couldn't help the heavy sigh of pleasure that escaped my mouth, biting on my bottom lip.

"Look how your body reacts to me." He found my reaction amusing, with that look on his face as one hand traveled down across my thigh. But as I tiled my head back, closing my eyes to enjoy the minuscule moment, I felt our bodies being ripped apart part.

I quickly came to my senses, an upset Felix holding onto my wrist and an even angrier Minho behind him. I had almost forgotten about them, the fact I hadn't seen them in at least an hour.

"How could you Han?!" Felix snapped a little, the betrayal in his voice. "We bought her, she's off limits." He added, making his feelings clear.

Han held his hands up defensively, huffing "she said you were just friends... and you weren't even with her. She's available."

Obviously his words caused some sort of anger to stir inside of Minho, because within the blink of an eye he had launched himself forwards, punching Han in the face. Everyone around us seemed to stop and stare.

Minho looked at me, before walking away and leaving the house. Was that disgust? Disappointment? How did I get myself into this situation?

"Come on Y/n, we're leaving..." Felix took my hand, not giving me much of a choice as he dragged me out of the house. I was still trying to process what had happened, my head spinning as I stumbled behind him.

We made it a few feet down the street before I stopped and he turned to look at me. "Felix.. did I do something wrong?"

His gaze seemed to soften as he stopped, pulling me into a hug. "It's not you y/n, Lee Know is just territorial. He worries about you... he's a softie at heart." He patted my head, making sure I was okay before joining his hand in mine and heading back to the apartment.

That's the end of that chapter!
Thanks for reading x

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