Chapter 6 - aftermath

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Warning- this chapter contains smut :)

After Felix and I arrived back to my apartment, we both changed into something more comfortable before settling onto the sofa. Minho wasn't anywhere to be seen, so we decided we'd wait up for him just in case he came back.

Felix had fallen asleep about half an hour ago, with his head in my lap and my fingers in his hair. He was so cute and peaceful when he slept, it was like he knew every time I moved.

It was getting late, too late, and if I wasn't so worried about Minho I probably would have fallen asleep too. I was somewhat nodding off when the door opened, and Minho walked in dripping wet. I guess it had started raining at some point.

I snapped out of my sleep like state, looking up at him in a daze. I couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened, carefully shifting off the sofa I replaced myself with a pillow so Felix wouldn't be disturbed.

"I'll get you a towel... you should warm up." I spoke in a low voice, not wanting to wake the sleeping angel on my sofa as I went to the bathroom. When I turned to walk out, Minho was already stood in the doorway.

"You should be careful who you let touch you." His voice had a hint of irritation, confirming my guilt for the party.

"Thanks... but it was just meaningless fun.." I wanted him to understand that there were no hard feelings, that Han and I were both to blame for the moment. "It wasn't just him."

Minho took the towel, using it to dry his face and hair. It was like he was trying to decide what to say, like he was thinking about his words carefully.

"You're too important to be ruined by some guy at a party, y/n. If you're going to sleep with someone it should be with someone who cherishes you, who knows you." There was a hint of something in his eyes but I couldn't really tell what it was. Was he talking about himself?

I couldn't help the burning sensation in my cheeks as I watched him move the towel from his face, removing his wet jacket. "I can't stand the thought of anyone else touching you." Maybe he noticed my silence, or the way I looked away from him. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't process what he said.

His cold hands came to my jaw, tilting my head to look up at him. His gaze was soft, something I hadn't fully seen before. "Do you understand what I'm saying, y/n?" He spoke, his voice stern.

I nodded awkwardly, not trusting my voice to speak properly. My body was already hot, so I'm sure my face was bright red. I saw his eyes move down to my lips, and I knew what he was thinking.

"Do it..." I muttered "kiss me." I didn't need to say anything else, because with those few words he leant down close, pressing his lips to mine. It was everything I imagined it to be and more. His kiss was soft, but firm at the same time, full of lust and passion. It has to be the best kiss I've ever had, and I didn't want it to end.

I felt one arm wrap around me, his hand resting on my lower as his other hand found its way up, moving along the nape of my neck and stopping at the back of my head. My body responded on its own; my arms wrapping around his neck as my body pushed up against his. It didn't bother me that his clothes were still wet, the cold being a nice contrast to my heat.

Minho took a step closer, causing me to stumble back slightly until I hit the counter top. His hands moved down, gripping under my thighs to lift me up onto the counter. His touch sent waves of electricity through me, leaving goosebumps scattered across my skin. It felt almost euphoric.

He was the first break our kiss, his eyes locking onto mine. I felt his hands trailing up my bare thighs, moving around to my ass. He pulled my hips to the edge of the counter, pushing his hips forwards in response. I could feel his hard member throbbing through his jeans, the only thing stopping us from having each other being the fabric of our clothes.

"Do you know how long I've been holding myself back?" His voice was like a low growl, sending a shiver down my spine. He moved his hips against me, causing me to let out a small groan.

"M-Minho..." my voice was trembling slightly, paying he couldn't feel how soaked my panties were already. The way my body wanted him so bad, it was almost shameful.

He leant his head forwards, starting to leave small kisses on my neck. I whined slightly, pushing my hips towards him. The way he grunted was all too enticing, this man had me hooked already and I wanted him. I wanted him to fuck me right here on the counter top.

"Patience, y/n." He whispered, clearly a lot better at controlling himself than I was. When I looked at his face, it was clear he was enjoying it with an amused smirk on his face. "You look so sexy when you're flustered..."

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breathing heavy and unstable. I watched his eyes trailing down across my body, stopping at my shorts. He reached forwards, moving my shorts to the side and running his finger over the damp fabric of my panties. I let out a moan, my body already sensitive and craving more.

"Tell me how badly you want it... I want to hear you." He was teasing me, and I could hardly control myself. My face flushed with embarrassment, not wanting to say the words.

"Please Lee know... I want it, I want you.." I managed to whimper out. I moved my hips, pushing them against his hand which caused him to pull back slightly. He raised a brow at me, enjoying the desperation on my face.

"Good girl.." he muttered, leaning in to kiss me. His tongue slipped past my lips, searching my mouth as his hand moved my thin panties to the side. His fingers traced up and down my slit, tormenting me, before he carefully found my entrance. He slid one finger in, moving painfully slow. I could feel myself going crazy, like an itch you couldn't scratch.

Another moan escaped my body, feeling the sexual frustration building more and more. I felt a second finger slide inside of me, my legs instinctively spreading apart even more. "Faster... please.." I muttered, my voice weak and whiney.

Mihno leant in close, moving his spare hand to unbutton my pyjama top. The cold air hit my warm body, my nipples hardening. His eyes trailed over my chest "you're so beautiful.." he leant down, leaving a trail kisses over my chest as he started to move his fingers faster inside of me.

My arms were by his sides, lightly gripping onto his shirt as a loud moan left my lips. He froze, moving his hand over my mouth and pushing my head back against the mirror. "If you want me to keep going, you'll have to be quiet.." he looked so smug, standing over me with all the control. I was just submitting to him, my body betraying me.

Once he was satisfied with my silence, he leant down and started sucking on my chest, playing with my nipples. He moved his hand faster inside of me, his other one still aggressively covering my mouth. All my moans were muffled, my body becoming a squirming mess beneath him.

It was clear that he was enjoying it, watching me struggle against him, pumping his fingers deep inside of me, rubbing just the right spots. I could feel the pressure building, my back arching and my eyes rolling. I was going to finish and there was nothing I could do about it.

I felt him gently bite down on my nipple, causing my eyes to squeeze shut as orgasmed. It was obvious he knew, because he looked up at me with a smirk as he just kept going. He didn't stop, not granting me mercy from the overwhelming pleasure.

I felt like I could scream, kicking my legs slightly as I moved my hips. For a second I came to my senses, sort of shoving him back. He could have continued if he wanted, but instead let me push him away.

I was breathing heavily, my body trembling from what he had just put me through. "You took it better than I expected." He taunted me, leaning towards me to place a soft kiss on my lips before turning and leaving the bathroom.

He just left me there, a hot, exhausted mess and a pool between my legs. I wasn't entirely satisfied with it, but for now it was enough to satisfy my needs.

The end of this chapter ;)
Thanks for reading x

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