Chapter 8

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the game was fast paced, and it wasn't long before the score was lost, everyone just deciding to enjoy their time together instead of worrying about who was winning.

thalia sprinted forwards, dodging the opposing team with every stride, before making it to the goal. rooster jogged over as everyone cheered, giving her a high-five and doing a weird body wiggle. the girl just laughed at him, out of breath and gave him another high-five before going to get her inhaler.

she took a few puffs, spectating the game as maverick joined their team for her break, and paid no notice as hangman walked over.

he nodded to her, and took a seat on the bench she was leaning on. 

"what's your baggage, jackson?"

thalia almost got whiplash from the speed she turned her head at. "what do you mean, bagman?"

"we've been here a week. outside of training, you call everyone by their names but me. you know my name, why don't you use it?"

the woman's mouth hung slightly agape at this perceptiveness. "i, uh- i have- no, had- a brother. a twin actually. he had your name. he was my right-hand man in our squad in the marines. my last mission was his too- all of their's actually. it was supposed to be simple, get in, take the target, get out. it was going well, too well, really. i should've known, but i wasn't paying attention. stepped on a landmine, he pushed me away. from there it was a slaughter. i was the only one who made it out, but i didn't really. not all of me."

he nodded gently. jake knew nothing he could say would help, but he hoped his presence brought some comfort.

"it's nothing personal, sersin. i haven't been able to say it since. not freely with the knowledge it's my fault he died." 

the man brought his arm around her shoulders, and unlike the night a few days before, she let it rest there, even leaning into it slightly before pulling away. he smirked at her, and she reciprocated with a shit-eating grin.

"aren't you a bit warm there, kiddo?"

thalia mock-glared at him. "absolutely boiling," she replied. 

"i won't pretend to understand why you wear long sleeves, but i can tell you, none of us will judge." he smiled at her kindly before jogging back to the game, where bradley had just helped maverick off the floor. no words had been exchanged, but thalia knew it was a start.

she took a deep breath and took the blond's advice. the blue eyed pilot plucked a tubular bandage out of her bag and slid off her teal top, revealing her toned abdomen. she pulled the white sleeve on and shoved the top in her bag, walking slowly back to where the group was gathered. 

natasha was the first to notice her, going to shout for her to hurry up before faltering. she took in the sight, unmoving, leading the others to follow her line of sight. bob's eyes were wide as he gazed at her, and payback and fanboy glanced at each other in  shock at what they saw.

thalia hesitated at the stares, before making eye contact with hangman, who nodded reassuringly, and called out to her. "hurry up, fireball! don't wanna start without you!"

rooster grinned at her, being the only other who wasn't watching her with his mouth wide open in astonishment. "looking good, thals!"

her insecurities washed away at the two men's words and she picked up speed as she headed towards them. her pale skin glistened with sweat, and her sports bra enhanced her figure, showing off her slim waist, but that was not what drew the crew's attention. 

on the whole left side of thalia's torso, including her arms, thick ropey scars marred her skin, in metallic red twists. some looked like burn scars, some like bullet wounds. but all were violent and angry, and clearly caused her discomfort as she rubbed at one in particular just below her ribs. in contrast, her right side was mostly clear. a white sleeve bandage adorned her forearm, finishing just below the elbow. the crook of her elbow, and the inside of her upper arm, however was a different story. thin silver stripes were lined up in neat little rows. these were obviously self inflicted.

maverick noticed the girl, and made a note of the clean white bandage, sending her a nod across the group. she returned it, and set herself into position as he went up the way she came, seeing simpson walking down. 


the games continued well into the evening, ending just before sunset. thalia looked around at the group, and realised why maverick had organised the day. in training sessions before, everyone had been against each other, with little to no cross-team communication unless they were in an exercise together. when playing, however, they had become a team. and that's exactly what they needed to be.

"yo, fireball, we're going to the hard deck for a drink! you comin'?" fritz called over to her where she sat on a picnic bench overlooking the calm waves. 

"yeah, i'll be there in a bit. save a seat for me."

he nodded and caught up with their other teammates, laughing and shoving each other around. she watched on and smiled fondly. 

she turned her gaze back to the sea, and watched the sunset disappear beyond the horizon, the pastel oranges and pinks fading.

"i'll see you on the other side, my friends."

thalia brought her hand up to where her matching tattoo she had shared with jackie and josie sat, running a thumb over the cartoon dinosaur and moved onto a piece that lay just under her left collar bone. it was a message in her brother's handwriting, and she got it the day after his funeral, whilst she was still in recovery.

"i love you, thalia, and always fly high," it read. "for if you fly in the sky, there's no need for a goodbye. - J.G.J."

it was a reference to her belief that they all became stars in death, and that belief was her reason to join the RAF. to be closer to her brother.

"i love you, jakey. wait for me there."

1025 words- one of the shorter ones i'll write. don't shoot for the filler, but y'know, a bit of fun before the heaviness lol- C xox

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