Chapter 11

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"i can only imagine what you two must be feeling right now," cyclone sighed. "take some time, whatever you need."

maverick rose a brow questioningly, and thalia felt her heart stutter, knowing what this meant. 

"i appreciate that, sir, but there's no time. the mission-"

cyclone interrupted maverick. "i'll be taking over training from here."

"sir?" maverick still hadn't caught on.

"he's benching us, mav. we're being taken off the detachment."

"we both know you didn't want this job, captain. and sergeant, after the recent loss of your wingmen, you should be back at your squadron."

"but sir, they're not ready! they'll die on that mission!" thalia had a horrified look on her face.

"and it was maverick's job to get them ready." cyclone's voice gave no room for argument, but maverick tried anyway.

"sir, they have to believe this mission can be flown," he said slowly. 

"and all you've done is proved that it can't!"

at his words, an idea dawned on thalia. "sir, i'll go pack my bags. may i be dismissed?"

maverick turned on her, disbelief in his eyes. "how are you just giving up so easily? ice would be ashamed."

thalia ignored the sting of his words, and strode out the room after saluting the vice admiral. she jogged through the extensive hallways to the ladies locker room and pulled on her gear. "this better be fucking worth it," she muttered to herself, making her way to the hangar where her f-18 was being stored. 


thalia soared through the air, adrenaline rushing through her veins in anticipation of what she was about to do. "fireball to range control, entering point alpha. please confirm green range." 

"uh, range control to fireball, uh, green range is confirmed. but i, i don't see an event scheduled for you, ma'am."

"oh, really?" her voice squeaked slightly. "i, uh must have forgotten! well i'm up here now, might as well keep going." 

she let out a nervous giggle. 


on the ground, her teammates were in various states of shock and admiration at the courage of their friend. bob and rooster exchanged awed glances, and natasha leant forward for a better look at the statistics on the screen, letting out a quiet "nice." 


"setting time for target," thalia said, gulping slightly in fear at what she was about to say. "two minutes, fifteen seconds."

she continued towards the entrance of their simulated valley. 

"final attack point. fireball is inbound." 

she clipped her comms mask to her helmet firmly, gripping the joystick between her legs.

she made her way through the entrance, muttering to herself. "no turning back now, thalia."

the twists and turns around corners took her breath away as she flew at a gut wrenching speed. as the pilot moved through the course, she could almost hear josie and jackie in her ear, warning her if a turn was a little too tight. 

as she inverted for her final turn, she let out a small laugh. "bottoms up, josie," she smiled, paying no mind to the fact everyone on the radio could hear what she said.

a grunt escaped her as she flipped back into an upright position. she checked the time: thirty-eight seconds left.

"popping in three, two, one..." thalia groaned, pulling back on the joystick, using the gear to her left to increase her speed.

the pressure of the G's was immense, and she fought the darkness threatening to cloud her vision. "come on, gracie, stick with it," she murmured. "do it for jake."


glances were thrown at hangman at thalia's words, but he shook his head. 

"wrong jake, y'all. and no i'm not gonna tell you," he smirked, and groans ensued. "not my secret to tell."


thalia made it over the first mountain, inverting as she reached the peak, and going into a freefall dive, pulling up with metres to spare. she flicked on missile lock, and waited for it to stick, before calling: "got a lock! bombs away!"

she dropped two missiles, one moments before the other, in order to effectively neutralise the target.

thalia immediately pulled up, not waiting to see if it was a bullseye. this climb would push her, especially with only thirteen seconds left. she picked up speed, feeling the temperature rise as the G's built up.

"pushing seven G's," she called. "eight G's... nine G's..." she groaned at the pressure on her chest, stealing her breath as it started to come out in short, wheezy pants. "i should've brought my fuckin' inhaler with me... that's ten G's! and i'm out, with four point seven seconds left."


everyone cheered and celebrated at her success, quieting down as thalia's voice came through the radio again. 

"is that enough proof the mission can be flown, sir? or would you like me to do it again?"

simpson stomped over to the comms desk like an angry toddler. "when you land, get your ass straight up to my office! is that clear?"

"loud and clear, sir. loud and clear. am i allowed to get my inhaler first though? if not whatever you say to me in your office may be loud, but it won't be clear." 

the vice admiral sighed through his nostrils in frustration, glaring at the crew in front of him who were holding in laughs at the pilot's witty response. "yes, fine, whatever. just be in my office!"

he stormed out the room, the door slamming behind him. 

"i'm guessing he's gone," thalia could be heard giggling. "the vibes coming through the radio are a lot less negative." 

a few of the team exchanged worried glances as she let out a choking cough. "i wasn't kidding about my inhaler though. can someone bring it down for me; i think i might die."


natasha was waiting when thalia landed, a familiar blue tube in her hand. 

"you're the best, tash," thalia wheezed, shaking it and taking a long breath from it. 

natasha laughed, then noticed bates standing behind thalia, his hands folded in front of him. 

"sergeant? follow me please."

thalia squeezed natasha's hand. "wish me luck..."


"you have put me in a difficult position, sergeant. on the one hand, you have demonstrated that this mission can be flown. perhaps the only way it can be survived. on the other hand, you did it by stealing a multi-million dollar military aircraft, and flying it in such a manner it may never be airworthy again. iceman can no longer protect you and your dangerous ideas. i have everything i need to have you court-martialed and dishonourably discharged. so what should i do? risk the lives of your fellow pilots, and perhaps even the success of this mission? or..." simpson sighed. "should i risk my career, by appointing you team leader?"

thalia was shocked, bewildered, flabbergasted even, at what he had just said. 

"i'm going to give you a chance on the second one, fireball. you fuck this mission up, even just the tiniest bit, you can say goodbye to your career."

"yes, sir," thalia was quick to nod. "may i ask you one favour..." she hesitated, and the vice admiral raised a brow.

"i want mav back as teacher."

1160 words- wow so a lot happened... um... not long left ig lol- C xox

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