Chapter 13

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the next morning, everyone was on the carrier, squeezed into a small briefing room. at the front stood vice admiral simpson, rear admiral bates, and maverick, with thalia at the podium.

"it's been an honour flying with you all," thalia begun. "each one of you has something in common- you are the best of the best. this is a very specific mission, and i believe my choices reflect that. my decisions are based solely on what is required from this mission. they are not personal."

"who are your two foxtrot teams, fireball?" 

thalia's gaze ran through the room, searching the duo's faces for their emotions. "phoenix and bob are on my wing, with payback and fanboy at the rear."

"and your wingman?"

hangman and rooster both watched the team leader closely. 

"rooster. hangman and maverick will be waiting on standby in a double jet for first response. gear up, crew."


"hangman! hangman!" thalia sighed as she chased the man down the taxiway. "lieutenant sersin! listen to me!"

hangman stopped, and turned to face the girl, his disappointment clear in his eyes. "what?"

he cocked a brow as thalia pulled three sets of dogtags from around her neck- three of the six she now owned. "i'm sorry, but your teamwork skills aren't in par with the mission requirements. but that's not why i'm here. i want you to look after these for me."

jake took them from her and read the names aloud. "lieut. josie parker. lieut. jackie chase. adm. tom kazansky..."

his eyes widened. "you- are you sure?"

she nodded. "if i don't make it, i need you to personally make sure these get back to their families. promise me this, i beg."

"i promise."

she fingered the necklace that she had lent to jackie, which now hung back around her neck, having received it in a parcel from the girls' parents, along with their dogtags and flags from the funerals she missed.

"thank you-" she hesitated, choking up slightly,"-jake."

jake's jaw dropped. he felt his throat tighten, and his eyes well with tears as he wrapped her up in a hug. she buried her head in his shoulder, before clearing her throat. 

"i should go," she said, and he nodded, wiping his eyes.

"i'll see you later, fireball."

he saluted her and she gave a single nod and walked away, to where the rest of the group were waiting.


everyone checked their jets solemnly, knowing there was every chance they might not make it. thalia was the first to board her aircraft, her lead causing everyone to do the same. 

she took a deep breath, before speaking into her comms. "dagger one, up and ready."

"dagger spare, standing by."  jake.

"dagger four, up and ready."  mickey.

"dagger three, up and ready."  natasha.

"dagger two, up and ready."  bradley.

the comanche's voice crackled through. "airborne package is ready. standing by for launch decision." 

"copy," thalia replied. her hands shook with nerves as she motioned for the catapult to shoot her for launch. her engine rumbled, and the jet shot forward, soaring into the air. the other three joined her after, one by one.

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