⏤Chapter Five

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The next few months flurried by as the winter came to pass. I had remained busy in Winchester with my apprenticeship, often tending to Alfred himself. The King had a soft stomach and required medicine often. Though I did not relish in the illness of the King, I could not complain about the employment he provided as his compensation filled my pocket well.

Uhtred had married according to the King's instruction. Alfred had chosen the Lady Mildrith for my brother to wed. The choice, while excellent, was deceptive. Mildrith made a good wife for my brother, however, her father had taken on a large debt that was now Uhtred's to pay. This would make Uhtred indebted to the church for longer than the year he had pledged to Alfred. The bastard thinks, as Leofric would often say.

I had not yet visited Lyscombe but had planned to visit when I found out Mildrith was with child. I hoped to be there to help her deliver my new niece or nephew, which should have been in nearly a week. What I did not expect was to see them both walking toward the palace while delivering medicine for Master Eldwyn.

"Uhtred!" I called, happy to see my brother and his very pregnant wife.

He turned and his eyes found me amongst the people walking to and fro. "Estrilda," he smiled. He made his way toward me, Mildrith following. "How have you been?"

"Quite busy," I answered and gestured to the basket of vials in my hand. "Master Eldwyn has been letting me take over much of his work. How are you, Mildrith?"

I turned to the girl who smiled, "I am well." She rested her hands on her belly which protruded from her petite figure.

"What brings you to Winchester?" I asked, looking back at my brother.

He pressed his lips together, "Danes are marching on Werham. I need to speak to Alfred." I nodded, realizing that this news meant that the peace we had negotiated had come to an end.

"Go, then. He will want word immediately. Mildrith, you may accompany me if you wish," I offered. She nodded and looked to Uhtred to also nodded before continuing on his way to the palace.

Once he was out of sight I turned to Mildrith, "How many Danes?"

"Well over two hundred. Uhtred says that there will be more."

I pressed my lips together in thought, "Then the peace is broken."

Mildrith nodded.

I straightened my back with a sigh and gave her a light-hearted smile. "We shall take these where they belong," I began, lifting the basket in my hand, "and then pray that God delivers Werham from the Danes." Mildrith smiled with a nod of agreement, and we set off to finish my few remaining deliveries.

When we arrived at the church, it was empty, the sounds of our footsteps echoing through the hall. We knelt in front of the altar and each said our silent prayers. After several minutes passed, I heard the door open and shut. A moment later, Lady Ælswith appeared at my side.

"Mildrith, my dear, I have been looking for you." She smiled, happy to have found her friend. "Estrilda, it is good to see you here as well."

"Lady Ælswith," I greeted.

"How good to see you," Mildrith beamed, "and to see you looking as you do." The King's wife was with child as well, looking just as ready to give birth as my brother's wife.

"It refuses to keep still," Ælswith laughed.

"Mine is the same, " Mildrith sympathized.

"Oh, how we suffer." I restrained myself from rolling my eyes at Lady Ælswith, then thought about how my attitude would be different had I also been with child. "I pray we both survive. I pray we four survive," The Lady continued.

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