Chapter Five: cutting off your legs so can fight doesn't make sense.

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"At this rate we're going to turn into wax figures from the inside out." Vivi said as Nami coughed, her lungs not being able to take the wax haze.

Zoro and (Y/n) stood silently without complaint. The woman had her eyes on the cut she left on the blonde woman's leg where her blade had made a scar. Whilst Mr Three had continued to talk about his "work of art", (Y/n) concentrated on the air around their candle prison. Since it was a hot day the air was sure to be moist. She tried to make the small amount of water she formulated around the chain to boil and try to melt the wax.

"That's it! Make it look like you're in as much pain as possible," Mr Three said smugly, "Expressions of agony are what I seek to achieve in my art.It would simply be splendid. Die in terror."

"Sadistic much?" The (h/c) woman said, arms crossed and clearly judging the older man

"It's not sadistic, it's art!" The man defended. (Y/n) gave him a look as though he was crazy, "It's not!"


"You can scream all you want to little girl, no one can help you now."

(Y/n) watched in disgust as Mr Three creatively commented on Broggy's sorrowful state. Though she didn't really know what caused all this, she could deduct that the other dead giant beside him was a friend and that the four Boroque agents were the cause.

"This isn't good. My hands won't move, can't we do something, I don't want to die like this." Half of Nami's body was covered in wax. All of them were.
"My body's beginning to turn stiff. What are we supposed to do?!"

(Y/n) sighed at the panic her two friends displayed, not because of annoyance but because she trusted that her captain, wherever he may be, might pull through. Atleast she hoped so.'Since when did i start trusting people this much?'

Nami scolded Zoro and yelled at him to do something, but the swordsman kept his eyes on Broggy. As much as ( Y/n) trusted Luffy to deliver she tried brainstorming with herself on how to get out.

"Hey, giant. You can still move right?" Broggy hummed.
"Good. So can I ."

(Y/n) turned to look at the swordsman. 'What is this man planning?'

Zoro unsheathed both his swords, a challenging grin on his face. " I say we take them down together. What do you think?"
Nami gasped.
Vivi gasped.
Mr Three, Mr Five and Miss Valentine gasped.
(Y/n) looked at Zoro then sighed. 'What ever he's planning, don't involve me.'

"Hold on a second, what are you doing?" Nami voice what everyone of them were thinking, "Are you-"


"Quit messing around you're not gonna cut your own legs off!"

'He can't be serious'

"It's the only way to get out of the situation,"

'He is being serious.'

Vivi joined along with Nami in trying to make Zoro reconsider his clearly not well thought out plan. "Are you insane? Even if you get down from here you won't get far without legs!"

(Y/n) hummed in agreement pointing at Vivi, " What she said."

In truth her head was far away trying to stop the feeling of being caged in by the wax. She could feel her lungs being invaded by the substance and she definitely didn't like it.Looking up at the Mr Three's candleset that had trapped them, she stopped trying to heat the wax around them and instead used the vapour in the air to form an umbrella above her, Nami, Zoro, Vivi and Broggy. 
Letting out a slight cough, her eyes caught sight of the blonde woman, Miss Valentine, who seemed to be sweating a bit.

The effects of the poison were starting to kick in.

"You're not serious about this are you?" Nami was full on ballistic. Then again who wouldn't be in this situation. You're stuck in candle wax and your crewmate is planning on fighting back by cutting off his feet to break free. Not the brightest circumstances.

"WAIT! I'll fight with you!" Vivi said.( Y/n) looked at Nami. If the orangette wasn't stressed enough she was about to explode now. 

( Y/n) placed her hand on Nami's shoulder to try and calm her. She had already accepted that Zoro's madness would spread.

"LETS GO!" Broggy yelled, putting as much strength as he could into breaking out of the wax. Zoro aimed his swords for his legs, ready to strike. 

(Y/n) spotted the white rock that got her caught in the first place. Eyes twitching before realising she was beefing with an inanimate object.

With the sway of his blade, accompanied by Nami's screams of terror , Zoro's sword cut into the muscle of his leg.

Before anyone could bother to leave their frozen state, the sound of screaming caught their attention.

Luffy, Ussop and Karoo could be heard hurdling towards the four Baroque workers, tearing down every tree and bush in their path.


A surge of hope blossomed in ( Y/n)'s heart. Finally they wouldn't have to die here. They would fight and get back to the Merry and Sanji could cook up a warm meal.

Her hope was short-lived though, for the trio was running at such incredible speeds they flew right past the Baroque workers and crashes into a grove of trees on the other side of the clearing .

"Dumbasses." ( Y/n ) sighed. Sometimes she wondered how she joined this crew without question.

But the trio wasn't down for long. Luffy could be heard issuing out an order, his voice unwavering. "Let's get 'em Ussop."

The three looked like they meant business, ready to pummel their enemies. Nami looked relieved " Ussop! Luffy!"
"Karoo!" Vivi looked shocked .
(Y/n, well she was hiding her happiness with annoyance. "About time you guys got here."

One worry down, a few thousand to go.

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