Chapter Four: Arriving at Little Garden

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(Y/n) sat at Nami's desk looking over one of the maps. She was a bit tired after taking watch over the ship last night and needed some rest but first she had to find out as much as possible about the next destination they were headed. Especially after Miss All Sunday's warning. After finding it she decided to join the others outside.

"...never underestimate the sea." She heard Vivi say. She moved to stand beside her and leaned against the wall to soak up some of the sun. Noting to herself that she needed to braid her hair before anything exciting happened. She didn't want bugs to try and make a home in her hair and having to comb it multiple times while traveling through a desert.

"Hey guys. Anyone care to sample my special drink?" Sanji announced. Karoo squawked and ran to get a drink ,(Y/n) followed behind to get one as well. A refreshing drink on a hot day is something no one would want to pass up.

Leaning against the mast, the young woman sipped on her drink in peace. "You guys wanna get out the fishing gear?"
Luffy suggested as they relaxed underneath the sun.

"Fishing huh, that sounds like a great idea." Zoro agreed.

"I'll even make you one of my custom fishing rods, you'll love it." Ussop said.

Sanji helped Karoo with his straw and once the large duck took a sip he was amazed by the flavour and inhaled his drink. It didn't help that Sanji was giving him more to drink until the duck passed out from having drunk so much.

'Are ducks supposed to drink something like that?' (Y/n) wondered. 'Then again he would have mentioned if he was restricted from drinking or eating some things.'

The presence of a large animal nearby was felt before it was seen. The woman immediately stood up to check on what it was. This caught everyone besides Vivi and Nami's since they were chatting. The sound of something splashing against the water became louder.

(Y/n)'s eyes caught sight of it from underwater. "Nami." The girl called to catch her friend's attention.

From afar they could see a dolphin approaching. They watched as it jumped high in the air and dived back in the water.

"Hey look, it's a dolphin." Sanji said, looking at the animal in amazement. "Whoa, he's cute." Nami said as she watched it going back underwater.

Soon the dolphin lept out of the water once more and jumped over the ship. Its size was ten times more than the Going Merry when it was closer. Everyone panicked at its unexpected length. "IT'S HUGE!"

"It doesn't have cute intentions." (Y/n) said, already knowing it's motives for being around and getting ready for whatever order Nami issues.

"Let's goooooooo!" Luffy yelled as he held onto his hat. Glasses were dropped and everyone ran to their stations.
"Move it!"

Now one could probably wonder: Why couldn't (Y/n) just order the large dolphin not to attack? She had learnt the hard way that the animals in the Grandline were way larger than the ones she was used to controlling in the East Blue. Now she would have to learn how to get the large animals in the Grandline to cooperate.
As everyone got to work in unfurling the sails, changing direction with the rudder. The dolphin was hot on their heels, mouth wide open ready for its next meal. Manipulating the current directly underneath, (Y/n) made the water carry the ship away faster.

"Ride the wave and shake him off!" Luffy ordered. (Y/n) let go of the current and held onto somewhere. The dolphin had landed right behind them, creating a large wave that carried them away.

"Now that's something you don't see everyday." The girl sighed before jumping down from the sails.

"That's for sure." Ussop said.

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