Chapter Twenty-Two: Miss All Sunday and her scroll of secrets

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Nico Robin was always one to be cautious having grown up having to look over her shoulder at every turn. Know your allies, no matter how few or close. Know your enemies, be it the marines, your boss or even the next-door neighbour. Especially the shifty 'sweet' grandmas.
So, when her eyes raked over two bounty posters from these so called "Straw-hat Pirates'' she wasn't expecting the range in how they were presented.

Monkey D. Luffy with a bounty of 30 000 Berries. Dead or Alive. A young man with a straw-hat with a large smile on his face. He had visible bruises from having fought.

Sea Princess Y/n with a bounty of ... her eyes widened in surprise. Alive. The young woman had a marine uniform on, her cap barely covered by face with her gloved hand tilting it forward as her back was almost facing the camera. The way she had stood seemed to make her taller than she was in real life, a bit mysterious too. Robin quirked an eyebrow in amusement

Was she... moonwalking?

"Miss All Sunday," the smell of cigars filled the room as she stood at the railing of the wide balcony that overlooked Rainbase, the small table beside her filled with all the books that have research she needed.

"Yes, Mr. Zero?"she carefully slipped the bounty posters beneath her files as she turned to look at him as he sat in the lounge, the aquarium of bananagators behind him. He was a shadow in the rooms lighting, shrouded in cigar smoke.

"There have been reports about someone destroying my Billions ships. Any news on that?" his voice was gravely, one that could send a shiver down one's spine. The coat he wore seemed to emphasis the power he held. Expensive, dark and menacing.

"I have yet to receive more information.'' 

''I don't need any mistakes. If we want to find that weapon, I need to know who's messing around with my plans. We already got rid of those brats.''

"Yes, Sir." her eyes went to the menacing hook that had replaced one of his hands. The way his eyes seemed to greedily take in everything around him. That scar that lined across his cheek and bridging over his nose.

'It will all be over at some point.' she tried to reassure herself, eyes looking up to the sky as it gleamed with stars.


Robin watched curiously as Firefist Ace and Y/n walked along the streets of the small town. Mr Zero didn't know she was here. He didn't need to know. This was her business as Nico Robin and not Miss All Sunday.

What if she was the key? No. She's not. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here.

She pulled out the scroll she had kept for years, having found it on an abandoned ship in her late teenage years. The language written was hardly decipherable seeing as the ink had faded but it was close enough to what was written on poneglyphs.

It had a sigil, that of the Blackvale Royal Family, before its alliances with piracy and seafaring endeavours. A crow sitting atop a scythe. Intelligence with a touch of death maybe?

What she knew from that family name is that they were of high power in the Void Century. At least that's what the books she had read said back then...'no, don't.'

Her eyes went back to the teen, this far the sun seemed to make her glisten more, her e/c eyes bright as she was chugging litres of water like her life depended on it. The beauty of a princess but the manners of a 'peasant' so to speak.

Maybe Crocodile might know more.


"Ah, Miss All Sunday!" Miss Doublefinger called, her voice pulling Robin out of her thoughts. Her blue hair bounced as she handed her an envelope "I think you might find this a bit interesting." She slipped it into Miss All Sunday's coat as she gave her a handshake, the sound of everyone arguing and insulting MrThree blocking them out entirely.

"Can all of you shut up!"

Another meeting with everyone here. Robin's eyes trailed over each and every one of her colleagues before seeing of Miss Goldenweek as she carried her suitcase out of the building. 'She did say she was going on holiday.'

The two met eyes before Miss Goldenweek waved and left. 

Miss All Sunday sat opposite Mr Zero, making sure his hook wasn't in close range in the case of him accidentally scratching her with it like the last time. Luckily it barely left a scar.  The noise from all the arguing seemed to get more and more tiresome

"I need a drink." She mumbled, putting on a smile.

"You said it sister," Miss Week End agreed, spinning a knife in between her fingers.


'Huh... she's related to Kairos "El Muerte" Blackvale.'

One of the most prominent warriors in what is today known as the Blackvale empire. He was working under the World Government as a weapon upon their requests ever since he was old enough to understand the world. Their sigil, now being a skull with kraken tentacles pooling out of its sockets. To spread fear into the hearts of many. He is the current king of said empire but his whereabouts are unknown. Rumours say he took lives with a devilish smile.

 "A true monster as they put it." Crocodile's voice broke me out of my reading.

Crocodile sat on the seetee, a cigar in hand. The banagators lay all over the room sleeping as the evening grew darker.

"I heard of him. Grew up hearing stories of him. He could kill you within a second." He began, a dark look creeping through as he thought of all he had seen, " The World Government tried to put him on a leash. Only one he listened to was his wife." He scoffed.

"That's... interesting." I wonder who she was. There are no full records on any members of the family, not even a single member. The only known thing about them was their sigil and how they carried themselves, serving only those they benefit from.

"If I may ask, why the sudden interest?"I placed the letter down onto the table.
 "Something I saw a glimpse of in my research. Nothing more."

He hummed in thought."One thing I know for sure, any member of his family is valuable. Be it through marriage or through common interest. "

Robin's narrowed her eyes at his expression.

"And I've heard he has a few little ones of his own."

Meaning there's more than one way to gain a weapon and that girl's bounty poster reflected it.

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