Chapter Eighteen: High maintenance

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Now you may be wondering why our favourite captain is being called a hoe.


Listen guys, use self control instead of going on instinct to take action." Nami said, once they spotted a city a distance away.

"Yes, Nami!" Sanji cheered, happy to take her orders. Zoro's eyes went to where his captain was a few seconds ago, his earrings gleaming in the light, jiggling together .

"The person who's supposed to hear that is already gone."

This statement was said exactly three seconds after Luffy had wrapped an arm around Y/n's waist right before he sprinted himself into the desert to search for a restaurant.


This left the rest of the crew bewildered at their sudden departure. Flames of emotion erupted from Sanji's eyes his happy smile becoming an enraged frown,
"Y/n my beloved,my sea and stars? LUFFY, YOU IDIOT, GET BACK HERE!"

'Switch up of the year'

Nami felt her worry grow as she thought about Y/n and just as quick as it came it disappeared when she remembered that Luffy would keep her safe if something happened. Zoro was staring into the direction they shot from with a scoff. If she came back with even a scratch he'd cut off all that hair with his swords, leaving him bald or worse, with a weird haircut.

Now the two stood in the middle of nowhere. Their heads turning the same direction at once in silence.

Left. Sand.
Right. Sand.
Back. Tumbleweed?
Front. More sand.

Luffy hummed in thought, trying to sniff out any kind of scent that could lead him to culinary salvation."There's no restaurant." His fingers were still intertwined with Y/n's, not wanting to lose her in this desert wasteland.

"Ofcourse there's no restaurant, we're in a desert." Y/n stated, a defeated sigh leaving her lips.

She felt her body lose some energy. Having grown up near the sea, travelled on it, revolved her power on it, this was a large disadvantage for her.

Like a devil fruit eater in the ocean's water's, she was a fish out of water in the desert.

Feeling her heartbeat speed up a bit she allowed the feel of Luffy's calloused palms against hers to ground her. Smacking him for his idiotic actions would come later.

Soon the duo traversed the sand, trying to get their feet out of the sand they walked on before their feet sunk in.

The sun felt like it was frying their skin, it's glare enough to cook a full course meal without any firewood or even a stove. Using his strawhat, Luffy kept the sand from going into his eyes as he kept a weakened Y/n whom he let pigback ride him as they atleast tried to search for where the city is.

"Luffy I swear, I'll use you as fishbait when we get back on the ship." Y/n mumbled, Luffy's ear close enough to hear her whispered threat. She felt his back vibrate when he let out a chuckle.

He turned his head so he could atleast see her face, a small smile on his face," You can do that after we get some food."

Y/n hummed in agreement, feeling a small warmth inside at his little smile. It was kinda funny how he got so used to her threats - and the execution thereof of said threats. A little concerning too.

Up ahead they saw some smoke billow from afar, Luffy felt his energy spring back at the sight,"Smoke..."
Y/n's eyes widened at his words,"...where there's smoke there's fire..."
"Where there's fire," Luffy steps started speeding up,arms holding on firmly to the woman on his back so he wouldn't drop her,"There's food!"

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