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00. tricks of the trade


  WITH A FINAL SWING of her silver blade, the last of the vampire nest was slain. Andromeda stood over its body, breathing heavily. "That's what you get, you son of a bitch!"

She spat on the corpse with a smile then pulled out her phone, dialling the most recent number. It only rang a couple of times before the person on the other end picked up.


"The nest is taken care of," Andromeda said. She began gathering her duffle bag. "Get a drink ready for me?"

"What kind of drink are we talking?"

Andromeda thought for a moment. She started out the dishevelled building. "Something to ease the pain. Fuckers gave me a nasty cut," She laughed and winced as she touched her bloodied torso. "Any suggestions, Nat?"

The woman, Natalie, laughed. "Oh, I have plenty. I'll have them waiting for you."

"You're an angel," Andromeda sighed as she sat in the driver's seat of her black Volkswagen Beetle. "See you in an hour." She snapped the phone shut, tossing it onto the passenger seat before starting the engine.

And exactly an hour later she rolled up to Ruthie's Dive Bar. Patrons bustled around the rustic bar and lights poured out from its windows. Andromeda parked the Beetle in her reserved spot. A few men whistled at her as she walked past. She smirked and ignored them as she headed inside and towards the bar.

Her eyes found the violet hair of Natalie. "Bartender!" She smacked the wooden bar as she sat on the old red barstools.

Natalie jumped and a glass fumbled in her hand. "Shit, Andy!" She turned with a scowl, poorly attempting to hide her smile. "Will you quit it?"

Andromeda jokingly pouted. "Aww, I missed you too, Nat."

Natalie shook her head and chuckled. Her eyes then trailed to the dried blood on Andromeda's shirt. Andromeda pulled her coat over it, wincing slightly. Natalie shook her head. "Did you even patch that up?"

"Of course I did," Andromeda lied through her teeth.

"You really should clean it..."

"I don't need a mother, Nat. I need a drink."

With a sigh, Natalie turned around and grabbed a glass. She poured liquids into it that Andromeda couldn't quite make out. She turned back and placed it down in front of her. "A long island. You're gonna need it."

Andromeda laughed and took it gladly. "And this is why you're my best friend."

"I'm your only friend, Andy."

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