05. Angelic Problems

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05. angelic problems


"YOU'RE SO VAIN! YOU probably think this song is about you!"

Andy danced around the tables, wiping them with a damp cloth as she went. Carly Simon's 'You're So Vain' blasted on every speaker in Ruthie's.

The bar was empty, not even Mr. Ruth was in. Andy had it all to herself and that meant she got to play her music instead of the disco crap the owner was so fond of.

When she listened to music, all her worries went away for a while. She remembered the first time she heard good music. Her parents always played classical in the house, so she never experienced what music could truly do until she went to a friend's birthday party. It was the first and last time her parents had allowed it. Andy was nine and the birthday girl was a huge Beatles fan. That was the party's theme. 'Hey Jude' was playing when she walked in. Andy stayed by the record player the rest of the day after that.

When she was ten, Caelum gave her a Walkman with a mixtape he made for her. She played it over and over and over. When she was fifteen, she lost it on a hunt. It was the worst loss she had experienced at that point in her life. She laughed, thinking back on how devastated she was.

Andy danced over to the bar and began wiping down the wood. She shimmed her hips, lost in the music. She felt a gust of wind from behind her. Andy paused; had she left the door open? She shook her head. In her gut, she knew what it was.

She reached over the bar and grabbed the remote for the sound system. She turned it off, leaving the establishment in silence. Neither of them said a word.

Slowly, Andy turned. Natalie was standing in front of her. She looked exactly the same as she did the last time they saw each other.

"Three months of radio silence. And you think you can just appear like nothing happened?" Andy tried to keep her voice quiet. She didn't want to explode like she was so prone to do. She wanted to have a civil conversation.

Natalie frowned and looked down. "I had to stay away, for your safety." Andy scoffed and Natalie's head snapped up. Her eyes were suddenly full of fury. "I'm a rogue Angel, Andy. That's not treated lightly in heaven. It's treason. I've been hiding from Uriel and the Archangels. Castiel lied when he said they had no orders to kill me. They did...after they used me to find Anna."

That all too familiar feeling of guilt began to build in Andy's stomach. She dropped her gaze. "Damn...I'm sorry, Nat." She looked up, trying to smile, but it looked more like a grimace. "Or should I call you Sariel?"

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