06. Demonic Intervention

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06. demonic intervention


  THE IMPALA ROLLED TO a stop outside of the warehouse. Jimmy flung his door open. Andy, Sam, and Dean quickly followed him.

"They're expecting you to come alone. That's exactly what you're gonna do." Dean explained to the terrified man.

"We'll work our way through the catwalks. We'll be right behind you." Sam added.

Jimmy looked between the three of them, bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet. Andy's eyes softened. "Jimmy, all you have to do is stay calm and stall. That way we can do our job."

A sudden flash of anger overtook Jimmy. "You want me to stay calm?" He took a step towards Andy, shortening the distance between them. "This is my family we're talking about."

Both Sam and Dean stepped forward in response as if shielding Andy from the man. She tilted her head.

"Listen to me." Dean gritted his teeth. "This will work. You understand? Nobody's gonna get hurt."

Jimmy rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Yeah, whatever." He turned, heading for the warehouse entrance. "Just...gimme a minute, okay?"

Sam, Dean, and Andy watched him go. A pit formed in Andy's stomach.

Sam turned to the two of them. "There's no way they're expecting him to come alone. You know this is probably a trap."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, I know. That's why I have a plan."

Andy crossed her arms over her chest as an amused smirk crossed her lips. "Do you, now?"

Dean puffed his chest. "I happen to make great plans."

Sam scoffed. "Since when?"

"Fuck off! Both of you!" Dean threw his arms in the air. "Just follow my lead. We're gonna get caught."

Andy groaned. "That's not a plan, Winchester. That's actually the opposite."

"It'll get us inside, won't it?" Dean smirked.

Sam looked down at Andy. "He's had worse ideas."

Closing her eyes, Andy took a deep breath. "You owe me a drink after this."

"That I can do." Dean chuckled. "Okay, follow me."

Andy pinched the bridge of her nose as she followed behind the brothers. Dean began stomping obnoxiously, acting as though he was unaware of the other demons that were around. "We have to help Jimmy!" He yelled, loudly pronouncing every word. "Come on, guys!" 

"Hey! Stop!"

Three demons now stood in their path. Sam and Dean raised their hands in surrender. Andy scoffed. "Some plan..." She muttered under her breath before following their actions. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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