04. Sammy's Secrets

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04. sammy's secrets


  NATALIE DIDN'T COME BACK to Ruthie's. Andy waited and called, and waited and called some more. Eventually, Natalie's number stopped working. "The number you are trying to reach does not exist," the operator would tell Andy over and over again. No matter how many times she heard it, she didn't believe it. Natalie would never do this to her.

But then again, she wasn't really Natalie. She was Sariel, an Angel of the Lord.

Andy found herself calling Sam often, updating him on the situation, and in turn, he would tell her about the hunts he and Dean were on, or if there were any Angel updates. Apparently, Castiel had taken a liking to the brothers. He kept the details sparse on what he and Ruby did, though.

And after a routine werewolf hunt gone awry, Andy began picking up Natalie's shift at the bar. A week turned into two, two into a month, and it wasn't long before she was working Ruthie's more than hunts. She could practically see the disappointed gaze of her father every time she poured a beer or made a cocktail.

But there was something rewarding about it to Andy. She had never known anything but Hunting. When girls in high school were getting part-time jobs, she was killing vampires, werewolves, and shifters. There was no separation between life and 'the job' to the Cranes.

It was a busy Friday night at Ruthie's. Andy had no time to herself in between serving drinks. Her back was turned to the customers when a man spoke. "Could I get a whiskey?"

"Just a sec!" She nodded, finishing up the martini another man ordered. She passed it to him at the every end of the bar and finally she turned around. Sam Winchester leaned against the wood, smiling. "Sam! Hey!" Andy smiled back. She was surprised at how happy it made her to see him. Maybe because he was the first friendly face she'd seen since Natalie and the Angels.

"Hey, Andy. Got a sec?" He glanced around.

Andy sighed. The bar was packed. She winced. "Can it wait till closing?"

Sam nodded. "Of course. Whiskey?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Andy rolled her eyes. She poured his drink and slid the glass to him. "On the house." She smiled.

Sam raised the glass, returning the smile.

  A FEW HOURS LATER and Ruthie's had finally quieted down. The only ones left were regulars or people who drank themselves to sleep. Andy wiped her hands on her towel and walked around the bar to sit next to Sam. "Okay. What can I do for you, Winchester?"

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