02. The Family Business

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02. the family business


THE IMPALA PULLED INTO a quiet suburb. The streets were lined with white picket fences and nuclear families — the opposite of the three Hunters who sat in the car. Dean parked across the street from one of the houses.

"You ready?" He asked Sam. The tone of his voice indicated something to Andy, though she wasn't sure what. Obviously, there was concern for his younger brother, but there was something else, something darker, perhaps. Clearly, there was a lot Andy wasn't aware of.

Sam nodded. "Yeah."

The three of them exited the car. Andy watched Sam fidget with the cuff of his jacket sleeve. As they scoped out the place, Dean put himself in between Andy and his brother. She sucked in a sharp breath as he faced her.

"What are you doing here?"

Andy raised a brow at his question. She thought it was obvious. "I'm a Hunter? Same as you. Travis asked for my help. I thought we established this."

Dean shook his head fervently. "No, no. We..." He pointed between the two of them. "Weren't supposed to see each other again."

Andy laughed, catching Sam's attention. "I don't recall us making any promises. I agree, it's not ideal to be working with someone I slept with, but Travis is an old family friend and he asked for help. I didn't know you would be here. Dammit, I didn't even know you were you." Dean tilted his head, now confused. Andy sighed. "We never exchanged names. If I knew you were Dean Winchester..."

Dean smirked. "Oh, so you heard of me?"

Andy rolled her eyes. "Every Hunter in America has. And not for a good reason." Dean's smile dropped. "In fact, I tend to avoid sleeping with Hunters."

"Nice work on that." Dean scowled and chuckled. "How are you a Hunter? I thought you were a waitress or something."

"It's the family business," Andy answered. She didn't feel like explaining that he family had been hunting monsters for centuries and that they practically wrote the book on it.

Dean nodded, content with her answer. "Alright...just, stay out of our way. Sam and I don't need a broad messing with our mojo."

Andy scoffed. "Some broad? I've been hunting since I could talk. I killed a vampire before I finished Elementary school!"

"No need to brag," Dean rolled his eyes.

Andy's temper rose sharply. She knew Hunters were typically arrogant, but something about Dean Winchester ticked her off. Maybe it was the fact that she was attracted to him and that they slept together.

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