03. Heaven and Hell

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03. heaven and hell


A SHARP HAND SLAPPED Caelum Crane across the cheek. He held his reddening skin in shock as he stared at his youngest sister.

"Are you out of your mind?" Andy shrieked. "A demon deal? You know better!"

She crossed her arms, chest heaving. Caelum stared at her dumbfounded, jaw-hung opening. Her eyes darted around his motel room. His bed was covered in crossed, holy water -- the works. "Were you gonna double-cross him?"

Caelum ran a hand down his face and groaned. "It's good to see you too, Bug."

Andy's jaw clenched at the childhood nickname. "Answer me, Caelum."

Her brother sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't know what I was going to do. I...fuck." He hung his head in his hands.

Andy frowned and sat down next to him. She raised a brow at Lyra, who hung back by the door. "Cae..." She patted his knee. "You know the whole 'bring back Rose' thing is crap, right?"

Caelum lifted his head. "I'm lost without her, Bug."

"No, you're not," Andy shook her head. "You're the best Hunter I know. There's nothing you can't do. Not a monster you can't kill. Suddenly a demon offers a shitty deal and you take it? You know Rose wouldn't want this. She told you."

"Andy..." Caelum's voice was hoarse. He looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Is hunting all I'm good for?" Andy tilted her head at his question. Caelum sighed deeply. "What if I want a life? A family. Wife and kids. Would I be a good father?" His voice broke on the last word.

Andy was quick to wrap her arms around his shoulders, squeezing him tight. "You would." She told him softly. Caelum hugged her tightly back. She thought back on her childhood after the demon incident. Her parents weren't really parents anymore and Caelum stepped up. He was more of a father to her than their own father.

Lyra sighed loudly. "This is touching and all but we do sort of have a demon to kill."

Andy and Caelum both glared at her. Andy stood and patted her brother's shoulder. "Where's the meeting place?"

Caelum shook his head and wiped his tears. "No. You guys aren't going to fix my mess. I got this."

"No offence, big brother, but last time we left you to hunt a demon, you almost made a deal with it." Lyra crossed her arms.

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