01. Rougarou Rendezvous

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01. rougarou rendzvous



ANDY WAS HUNGOVER. AGAIN. Her eyes stung from the bar lights and she could hear them ringing. Groaning, she put her forehead to the cold wood bar. Ruthie's had yet to open for the day, so at least she got a moment of peace.

Natalie sat next to hear. Andy caught a whiff of coffee. She felt her friend's hand pat her shoulder. "Morning, sunshine."

"Kill me. Please." Andy carefully lifted her head, eyes squinting in the light.

"Not a chance," Natalie laughed and slid her a mug of coffee. "Who else will I nurse back to health?"

Andy took the mug greatfully, holding the warmth between her palms. She sighed and smiled. "Maybe any other Hunter that frequents this bar?"

Natalie rolled her eyes and sipped on her own mug. "I'm gonna have to start cutting you off. I'm worried, Andy. You never drink this much."

Annoyance flooded Andy's head, immediately followed by regret. Natalie meant well and was the only person who ever bothered to ask her those questions. She shook her head then took a long sip of the hot coffee. "You want the truth?"

Natalie nodded. "Of course."

Andy took a deep breath. "My sister called. Two nights ago."

"Shit..." Natalie's eyes widened. "Why?"

"Something about my brother. I don't know. I blacked out and hung up. She called again last night but I didn't pick up." She took another big swig of coffee. She wished it was so hot it would burn her throat.

"That's...big," Natalie stood up. "But no reason to kill your liver."

Andy rolled her eyes. "No offence, Nat, but I'm not really in the mood for a lecture."

"Relax. I'm not giving you one. I just think your anger would be better used on a job rather than a drink." She finished the remaining liquid in her mug and gestured to Andy's.

Taking the hint, Andy drank the rest of her coffee and handed it to her. Natalie was right. She always was. So, she took out her phone and began sifting through her voicemails. They were mostly junk and telemarketers. But then she reached a name she hadn't seen for some time.


She clicked it and listened.

"Hey, Andromeda. I know it's been a while, but there's a job I could use your expertise on. A Rougarou. I'm Carthage, Missouri if you're interested."

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