Chapter 12- The Funeral of Mobius M Kingsbury (Loki)

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Yes, it was before confirmed that he is bi, but I just saw marvel pull some more cowardly representation! In the credits, where it's showing a bunch of TVA propaganda etc. a file on Loki appears, and if you pause it and look under sex, it says fluid!!! Those cowards did it again!!! Loki is now exactly how they are supposed to be!!!
P. S I'm saying cowards because they say these things then never really show it, it's upsetting but at least it's a start, anyway, continue on and thanks for reading!!!)

I frantically tried to turn on the hologram, but all the temp pad did was spark one more time and then fall still and quiet.
"Nononono," I muttered hopelessly. I just learned how it worked and now it's gone?! One thought sticks out worse then all others.
I'm stranded, I will never find Mobius, or the others.
I kneel and look sadly at the temp pad. I am wet and tired and out of luck.
But I am also very warm.
The cemetery is bright green everywhere. The trees, the grass. The sky is a clear blue. It would be a perfect day, except the huddle of people in all black.
I take off my suit jacket and am left in just a black dress shirt and black pants, and of course my shoes. It's almost as if when I made this suit I knew I would need to fit in with a mourning group.
I use magic to dry myself off and make my way to the group. If El was right, then maybe Mobius is among these people.
Then I remember He Who Remains said he is no longer available.
I've been so stupid, always leaving one of the millions of reasons why we won't be together.
But then a twisted form of relief comes to mind. What if the person being buried is the person who made Mobius unavailable?
With newfound hope, I confidently stroll to the people. The group is much larger than it appeared and I am unable to see. I try to squeeze past, but I accidentally step on someone's foot. They turn and smile at me sadly.
"We lost a great man, haven't we?" The woman asks.
"Oh yes, it's... quite terrible," I say lamely, trying to sound as sad as possible. The woman reaches out a pale, delicate hand.
"And you must be Ms..." she trails off. I think fast, hoping this won't end terribly.
"Mobius," I say, "I'm Ms. Mobius," saying it sent a thrill through me.
Oh Gods I really am... he really does mean that much to me.
The woman's face becomes filled with sorrow.
"Oh, I didn't know, you see I was just a friend, I repaired the jet skis," she said sadly.
"I beg your pardon?" I felt something like an ice shiver across my entire body.
"He did love those silly things," she sighed, then turned back to me, "but you must know more than anyone, right? Last name Mobius- you must be his sister? Did I meet you at his wedding?" She asked.
I didn't respond. I pushed past her, and many others, ignoring the shouts and hisses from the teary eyed people. Until I reached the casket, lowered into the dirt, and the stone. I couldn't understand. This can't be...
I snatched a piece of paper from the hands of the nearest person. They cried out, but backed away when they saw my face.
On the paper, I saw his face.
In loving memory of Mobius M. Kingsbury, it read. My breathing hitched as I glimpsed through the write up.
"Beloved husband and father," and "His sister, Loraine Mobius,"
The lady thought I was Loraine, his sister because my last name was Mobius. Mobius was married to "Lincoln Kingsbury, father of Will Kingsbury,"
Tears started to form as I grew more certain.
"His passionate love of jet skis and pie," and "mysterious missing years, before returning heartbroken. He quickly fell in love with Lincoln though and grew the life he loved..." I crumpled up the paper and dropped to my knees. People murmured but it seemed to happen in a disoriented way, like I was in a glass bowl looking out. I could see people shoveling dirt on top of the casket. The casket that holds my Mobius. It might not be him, I told myself, but who was I fooling? What are the odds that there are 2 Mobius M. Mobius' that have a jet ski and pie obsession and oh so conveniently have a gap in their life? All this time I've spent looking for him and this is what I find.
He Who Remains told you he wasn't available, I reminded myself. I just didn't think he would mean this.
All the people left, no one spoke to me. He was now consumed by earth. The tears poured down my face and a pain so terrible racked my body. The day slipped away. Soon I would only have 2 days left if my counting was correct. But it didn't matter anymore, because he was gone.
And I never got to tell him I loved him.
The stars came out, and so did a worker. They pointed a flashlight at me.
"Excuse me? Um, Mx.?" They stepped closer, "we have to lock up for the night... I'm sorry but you can't stay here,"
I opened my eyes, sticky from tears. My knees were sore from kneeling all day. My head throbbed. I silently got up and let the worker escort me out of the cemetery. It reminded me of when Mobius was pruned, but he really wasn't coming back this time, was he?
For a while I just sat in front of the gates, unsure of where to go. The temp pad was busted and I had no will to go on. My legs got stiff though, so I walked aimlessly. The direction didn't matter. Nothing did.
After a while, things began to feel chillingly familiar, but I tried to ignore it.
That's when I saw the McDonalds.
I walked through the parking lot, knowing I must look like a mess. There were only a few cars and one truck. The truck caught my eye. It was an old thing, pretty beat up, and I couldn't quite put my finger on why it was familiar.
I walked into the restaurant, not realizing how cold I was until I was inside the warm space. There were exactly 5 people in the building other than me. I looked across the room from right to left. On my immediate right there was an old man with an odd hat eating fries alone. Across the room two teen girls were ignoring their food and instead appeared to be devouring each other's mouths. Someone who must be an employee stood directly across the room from me. They appeared to be playing on their phone while holding a mop. They were also being snarled at by a person with blond hair working at the counter. This person was almost hard to recognize because they were clearly heavily pregnant, but as I walked in, dreary and exhausted, they turned and looked at me. Our eyes met, hers widening instantly, mine squinting, almost as if it was a dream.

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