Chapter 13- Not Even Loki Himself (Sylvie)

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(Sorry, it's been a while, I've been working on other pieces but here's the next part for anyone interested)

The day started off as normal. The alarm went off and I groaned as Bea reached over and banged it into submission. I was about to make a dirty joke, but instead I jerked forward and stumbled to the washroom.
Morning sickness is a bitch.
Bea followed me and held back my hair.
"How many months do you think this would be?" She asked.
"What does it matter?" I groaned, "Time doesn't work here unless it's a stupid alarm clock." Bea laughed and that made things a bit better.
She handed me a pail and I groaned and got up. I cleaned up and got dressed while she did something in the kitchen.
I stumbled into the kitchen as she was pouring two cups of juice. She was in her work uniform already, somehow getting all the gear on quicker then I could wash my face.
She looked up at me and beamed.
"You're beautiful," she said softly. I scoffed, but was also smiling. She made me feel like a god, which is kind of weird since I already was one.
I walked around our small table and hugged her. I put my head on her shoulder and she put one arm around my back and the other on my womb.
"Really, you're glowing," she insists.
"Yah, I feel real beautiful with the aftertaste of vomit in my mouth," I huff. She giggled gently and pecked me on the lips.
"Have some juice then," she broke the embrace and handed me my cup. Bea then sat down in her spot where her cup and plate was. She made both of us toast with butter.
I took a sip of the juice, then set it down. I crept behind Bea and put my chin on her soft head and my hands on her shoulder.
"You know what I really want?" I asked her. She sighed.
"Some grapes," I said, leaning in and tilting my head so that I could see a bit of her face. "Maybe some almonds?"
"You know we aren't supplied with grapes," she reminded me, tilting her head towards me as well.
"We might not have grapes, but I'm sure there is a timeline somewhere that could share..." I hint, a cheeky smile spreading across my face.
Bea fought a smile for a moment until she gave in and shook her head.
"The rules I break for you..." she said while standing up. "Purple ones?" She asked while breaking out her temp pad.
"Yes please," I grinned.
She created a time door that seemed a bit squished in our staple TVA apartment, and walked through. I watched the door close behind her, and a heartbeat later a new one appeared. She held out a bag of grapes as that door also closed. I pecked her cheek as I took it from her.
"You're welcome," she said as she checked her watch and then grabbed her toast. "I have to get to work, but I get off early tonight, so we can watch a movie or something," she said.
"Or something," I repeated as I sunk into a chair. She rolled her eyes, but she knew I hated movies.
"Are you-"
"Yah I'm working today," I cut her off.
"Be careful," she warned, as always.
"Ya, yah," I waved her away, "unknown affect of time, whatever. Call if anything happens, right?"
"And I mean anything," she waved her finger at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Bea I'm working at McDonalds not going to war, anyway the fetus will be fine, time effects or not. It's half god," I reminded her.
"And a downright form of magic," she laughed as she opened the door of our apartment. She then paused and I soaked in the sight of her.
How did I get this lucky?
"I love you," she said.
"I love you," I repeat, meaning every word so completely that it almost scares me.
Bea sighed and practically had to peel herself away from our apartment. She closed the door behind her.
I stared at the door a little longer, then put one hand on my stomach and the other in the bag of grapes.

Work started out normal as well. The steady stream of sad people picking up coffee and hashbrowns, complaining and talking. The young workers trying not to work. It was great, so amazingly human and normal.
As I walked in I checked the calendar to double check who was working. I nodded and started preparing for the day as three more workers arrived. Opening time came and we were one person short.
"Hey," I yelled into the kitchen from the counter. "Where's Will?"
"Sorry, Sylv, I forgot to take him off this month's schedule," yelled back one kid who was running the deep frier.
"Why?" I asked.
"He's taking a month off of everything, even university, one of his Dads died, todays the funeral," said another kid.
"Huh, poor kid," I said mostly to myself. He was one of the best workers.
I wondered which of his Dads it was. They were both nice, but to be honest, it was kind of odd to work with the kid of a Mobius variant, especially one so similar to my friend.

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