Chapter 3

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As soon as I got upstairs, I freshened up and got dressed. I wore a stylish pink sheath dress with a round neckline and long sleeves, complemented by a pair of matching pink shoes. My hair wasn't much of a work, so I simply adjusted my edges or as some would call it 'baby hair.'  

With the little time I had left, I tried calling Elias to no avail, brushed up on a few things I was going to say in my meeting, and hurriedly drove to work in hopes of avoiding the traffic. As early as it was, the traffic around this time gets pretty hectic.


"Good morning, Joshua. You're early again today," I said as soon as I walked into the room, placing my things down. Joshua was the first to arrive for the fifth time this week, which was quite odd. Joshua is one of my best Jamaican work buddies, and let's just say he's never early. They haven't laid him off yet because he's one of the smartest and funniest actuaries they've got. Funny enough, they've always mentioned that keeping him helps with diversity in the workplace. He's low-key one of the reasons my patois might be getting better.

"Mi finally realize seh a full time now mi start come early, it really look bad pon mi fi wah big, big actuary." (I've finally realized that coming late is ruining my reputation, so I decided that it's time for a change.) He jokingly replied and as always, we both started laughing.

"Come on, tell me the truth. Did you have another argument with Stacy?" I asked, awaiting his response. The past few days have been a bit of a roller coaster for him, and it was definitely showing. His clothing was mismatched, his socks were rather torn and with the sandwich present on his desk it's obvious he's still not receiving his regular home-made meals. 

He sighs "Bwoy it rough; If ano this a sumphin else. Ebry day mi get up we argu and fi top it off, she nah cook or wash mi clothes fi mi and mi just tired a it now. Yuh can believe seh instead a the big house weh mi have, work a di only place mi can come and hav peace."  (It's really rough; Its either this or that. We argue every day, and to top it off, she doesn't cook or wash my clothes for me, and I'm just tired of it now. Can you believe that instead of the big house I have, work is the only place I can come and have peace?")

"Joshua, at this point, whatever issue you're having with your wife, you really need to solve it." I stated bluntly, my brow furrowed with concern. "As you've pointed out and as I've clearly seen, it's only getting worse."

 Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked away. "Honestly speaking, mi nuh know how wi ago do that. Stacy clearly mek up har mind seh she nuh wah start a family. Mi a mi parents one boy enuh, suh fi hear har seh that piss mi off." He revealed barely above a whisper. (Honestly speaking, I don't know how we are gonna do that when Stacy has her mind made up that she doesn't want to start a family. I'm the only child my parents have so her saying that pisses me off.)

I nodded, trying to empathize. "Well then if that's the case maybe she's just not ready."

Joshua shook his head vigorously, his hands clenched into fists. "If dat did a di case, I'm her husband and mi woulda be more than willing fi wait but she nuh wah fi eva have kids." (If that was the case, as her husband, I'd be willing to wait but she doesn't ever want to start a family.)

"Woah.....Woah, really? What did you do?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise. Stacy had always stated that she wanted to start a small family of her own, so her saying she never wants to do so now is totally sus and unlike her.

Joshua let out a deep breath, "Mi never do nothing. We did all dandy-shandy until mi go bring up starting wi likkle own family." (I didn't do anything. Everything was fine until I brought up starting our own little family.)

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms thoughtfully. "Have you tried finding out her reason for this?"

Joshua opened his mouth to speak but hesitated. "No, but—"

"No buts, Josh," I interjected firmly, pointing a finger so he takes my words seriously. "This is the conversation you both should be having. How do you expect your arguments will end? Marriage is about compromising so you guys have to come to an agreement if you really want things to work. You both just got married four months ago."

Joshua's shoulders slumped, and he ran a hand through his hair again. "Can you help mi talk to har, cause every word mi utter cause argument?" (Can you help me talk to her because whenever I speak it always leads to arguments?)

I shook my head slowly. "You both are my friends but I don't want to get involved. You need to figure things out on your own. Having an outsider will definitely make things worse."

Joshua nodded reluctantly, "Wish mi luck then cause this a di last time mi ago try fi mend things. If anything guh wrong mi ago call it quits."(This is the last time I'll try to mend things so please wish me luck.  If anything goes wrong, I'm going call it quits.)

I raised an eyebrow, staring at him sternly. "Let me just pretend I didn't hear what you just said."

"Mi nuh mean divorce if a that yuh think," Joshua quickly clarified, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "Wid all weh a gwaan a still the love a mi life."

I smiled softly, touched by his sincerity. "Aww, Stacy should hear this. I hope you both figure things out. You both are really a great couple so please don't let this disagreement come in between that. Try to understand her and don't neglect your duties as her husband."

Joshua sighed for the umpteenth time; his eyes downcast. "I really miss spending quality time with her."

I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Pray about it, do the right thing and watch God work."

Joshua nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "What's bothering you? Is it Elias again?

Thanks for reading. 

I incorporated Jamaican Patois; I hope there are no misunderstandings?

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