Chapter 1

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Another typical day dawns in Gensokyo as Marisa rouses from her slumber. Despite her desire to linger in bed, the thought of Reimu's perpetual hunger compels her to rise and procure food for her friend. 

With a lazy yawn, she deftly maneuvers through the cluttered room, a chaotic jumble of oddities accumulated over the years. 

Surrounded by borrowed items, a testament to her habit of "borrowing" without returning, Marisa's generous acquaintances find joy in lending her their possessions, knowing they will outlast her. 

In exchange, Marisa engages them in exhilarating danmaku battles, a mutually enjoyable exchange of goods and excitement.

After freshening up and grabbing her trusty broom, Marisa took to the skies, heading towards the village to purchase Reimu's favorite snacks. 

Determined to secure extra funds for tomorrow's provisions, she planned to pick up some additional requests. 

However, her routine errand took an unexpected turn as she spotted a peculiar portal beside the flower fields. 

Intrigued by the anomaly, Marisa hesitated, sensing a potential incident unfolding. "Well, well, looks like trouble's brewing. Perhaps Reimu's hunger can wait a bit longer. I should investigate this odd portal first," Marisa mused, noting the portal's distinctly out-of-place appearance in Gensokyo, radiating a neutral aura that set it apart from the realm's usual magical disturbances.

The magic wielded by humans, youkai, and gods in Gensokyo each carries a distinct signature or frequency, making them easily recognizable. 

However, the current portal's neutral nature, reminiscent of a lightning strike igniting wood, piqued Marisa's interest. As a dedicated magic enthusiast, she saw this unprecedented phenomenon as a valuable opportunity for learning and experimentation. 

Intrigued by the portal's unorthodox characteristics, contemplated the possibility of crafting a new spell card inspired by the enigmatic creator's abilities. Acting impulsively, she dove headfirst into the portal, driven by her insatiable thirst for magical knowledge and discovery.

 Yukari who just arrived, caught off guard by Marisa's impetuous action, was startled by what she perceived as a rash and ill-considered move. Before Yukari could intervene, the portal snapped shut, sealing Marisa's fate within its mysterious confines.


Marisa awoke to a sense of disorientation, finding herself lying on the lush grass surrounded by verdant greenery. Experiencing a wave of weakness coursing through her body, she winced in discomfort. 

As she attempted to summon her trusty broom, a familiar routine, she was met with silence—a disconcerting lack of response. Confusion and alarm washed over Marisa as the reality of her situation sank in. 

Her typically nonchalant demeanor gave way to a mixture of panic and fear. "What is happening?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with grief, as if life itself had played a cruel trick on her. The realization dawned on her that all her hard-earned progress had seemingly vanished in an instant. 

Struggling to comprehend the changes unfolding within her, Marisa sensed a profound absence where once there was a wellspring of mana. Her entire being felt diminished as if she had regressed to a time when she was weaker and less experienced.

Marisa swiftly composed herself, carefully evaluating her altered state. Gazing at her arms, she confirmed her transformation into a childlike version of herself, slightly taller than the average child due to the effects of her experiments that had inadvertently impeded her growth. 

Despite this setback, Marisa found comfort in her knowledge of what actions to take and avoid, confident that she could rectify this situation over time. The thought of potentially surpassing Reimu in height when they reunited brought Marisa a sense of joy and anticipation, fueling her optimism as she envisioned their future encounter.

Marisa rose to her feet and brushed off the dust, only to discover that she was clad in tattered rags. "What on earth is going on?!" she exclaimed in disbelief. Recalling that she had left home in different attire, she was puzzled by her current outfit. 

A sudden snap of a branch caught her attention, prompting her to investigate the source of the sound. To her surprise, she spotted a mysterious figure resembling a Youkai wolf, a sight unfamiliar to her keen eyes. 

Despite her usual prowess in dealing with Youkais, Marisa felt a sense of vulnerability in her current childlike state. Reacting swiftly, she ascended the nearest tree, a task that typically posed little challenge to her adventurous spirit. 

However, her underestimated physical limitations as a child made the climb more arduous. With determination in her eyes, Marisa gritted her teeth and persevered, pushing herself to ascend higher for safety from the potential threat of the wolves below.

The sudden leap of the wolf caught Marisa off guard, narrowly missing her legs and causing her heart to race with fear. Hastening her ascent further up the tree for added safety, she felt a sense of impending danger looming below. 

Concerns for her survival began to weigh heavily on her mind, realizing that if the wolf persisted, she could face a grim fate of starvation. This stark encounter shattered any lingering doubts about her whereabouts, confirming that she was no longer in Gensokyo due to the stark disparity in the environment. 

The absence of powerful Youkai in these unfamiliar woods contradicted the norm of Gensokyo, where magic naturally repelled weaker creatures. Moreover, the eerie silence devoid of mischievous fairies signaled a distinct difference, as in Gensokyo, their presence would have provoked a swift response, with bullets driving out any threats from the forest.

Marisa found herself in a perilous situation, hoping that the wolves would eventually lose interest and depart. Puzzled by the absence of her magical abilities, she began to contemplate the possibility that this body might not truly belong to her. 

With no body of water in sight to verify her altered appearance, Marisa leaned against the tree, observing the wolves lingering below. Resigned to her current predicament, she accepted that she might have to endure another day suspended in the tree until the wolves moved on. As the hours passed, remained perched in the tree, vigilantly monitoring her surroundings and the unwavering presence of the wolves. 

With the sun setting in the distance, Marisa decided to reposition herself on a sturdier branch to ensure a more comfortable sleeping arrangement. Fortunately, the Tree's branches proved broader than she had anticipated, allowing her to recline without compromising her balance, providing a semblance of security amid uncertainty.


Just diving right into this fanfic, folks! Honestly, I'm winging it here—I've got no clue what I'm doing, just making it up as I go along! The timeline? Oh, it's as vague as can be, just a sprinkle of mystery to keep things interesting!

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