Chapter 9

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Marisa, already irritated by the disruption of her much-needed rest, found herself further agitated by the escalating conflict and magical disturbances unfolding before her and the day had been arduous, with the slow-paced flight over scorching sands taking a toll on her energy reserves. Grateful for her water magic's ability to conjure a refreshing ice bubble that enveloped her, providing a reprieve from the oppressive heat, Marisa still couldn't shake off the weariness that clung to her.

The monotony of battling monsters and consuming their cores had left her tongue-tingling and her stomach uncomfortably full. Longing for a peaceful slumber to rejuvenate her weary spirit, Marisa's hopes were dashed by the unanticipated arrival of the two quarreling fairies and the enigmatic girl now standing before her, eyeing her intently. The prospect of a much-needed rest seemed increasingly distant amidst the chaos unfolding around her.

The girl, visibly startled by the abruptness of her question and Marisa's brusque demeanor, composed herself courteously, "I'm Roxy Migurdia, a Migurd... um, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" Despite the chaos unfolding around them, Roxy maintained a sense of politeness in her interactions.

Marisa, increasingly irritated by the ongoing commotion caused by the battling spirits, let out a weary sigh. With a quick gesture resembling a gun sign, she conjured two luminous missiles of light that streaked toward the brawling fairies, striking them with pinpoint accuracy and causing them to tumble to the rooftop in a disarray of sparkles. Witnessing Marisa's display of magic, Roxy's expression transformed into a mix of surprise and admiration, captivated by the unexpected demonstration of power before her.

Marisa responded with a hint of weariness, "I'm Marisa Kirisame, just an ordinary magician," punctuating her introduction with a tired yawn. "Anyway, Roxy, I couldn't help but notice the resemblance between you and the water spirit," she remarked, gesturing towards the ethereal being beside Roxy. The water spirit, meeting Marisa's gaze with a hint of reproach, then turned its attention back to Roxy.

Perplexed by Marisa's comment, Roxy furrowed her brows in confusion, seeking clarification, "Water spirit?" It slowly dawned on her that Marisa was referring to her unseen companion. "So, my friend is a water spirit? But why can't I see her?" Roxy inquired, her curiosity piqued as she tried to make sense of why Marisa was able to perceive her invisible friend while she remained unaware of its presence.

"The truth is, only high elves possess the ability to see spirits, especially greater spirits. However, there are ways for you to perceive them, such as through making a contract with them, providing them with a vessel, or possessing a strong affinity to their elemental nature, allowing them to communicate with you. Nevertheless, encountering one is a stroke of luck," Marisa explained, causing Roxy to furrow her brows as she realized she didn't fall into any of those categories.

Marisa then offered a solution, "I can act as a mediator for the contracts between you and the spirits. With both of your consent, I can assess the fairness of the contract, enabling you to support each other telepathically."

"You can do that?!" exclaimed Undyne, the greater spirit of water, as she approached Marisa with excitement. However, Elfijyah quickly intervened, blocking Undyne's path. "Stay back, Elf! I want to talk to the human!" Undyne demanded, but Elfijyah stood her ground, refusing to yield. "You fool, Elf! As her contractor, the decision depends on me," Elfijyah declared with a malicious gleam in her eyes. Undyne's frustration boiled over. "You are despicable!" she shouted, unable to comprehend how Elfijyah could still hold such a grudge after all these years.

Marisa stifled a yawn, feeling increasingly annoyed by Elfijyah's petty behavior. Her body yearned for rest, unable to withstand further wakefulness. With a decisive move, she grabbed Elfijyah and guided her forcefully into the spiritual domain, ignoring Elfijyah's telepathic protests. "First, we need paper," Marisa muttered, casting a glance at Roxy, who observed her calmly. Marisa couldn't help but wonder if Roxy perceived her as a lunatic, given that Roxy couldn't see the spirits and thus saw Marisa seemingly interacting with empty air.

"Roxy, do you have any paper?" Marisa inquired, turning to her companion. Roxy rummaged in her bag and produced some old, empty parchments, handing them to Marisa. "Thanks," Marisa acknowledged, taking the parchment and infusing it with her mana. She then proceeded to copy the standard contract for spirits that she had memorized, causing the parchment to glow in a light blue hue.

"Undyne, could you take a look at this contract and let me know if it's satisfactory, or if we need to add any clauses?" Marisa beckoned to Undyne, inviting her input on the contract. "Yes, I want Roxy and me to have equal status, not a contractor and contractee relationship like with Elfijyah," Undyne asserted, throwing a subtle shade toward Elfijyah.

"Well, Elfijyah and I do have an equal contract, so maybe I'll just adapt that," Marisa mused aloud as she replenished the parchment with her mana once more.

"Elfijyah, the arrogant and prideful one, wants to be seen as equal to a human now?!" Undyne exclaimed, recalling Elfijyah's past behavior of looking down on anyone who wasn't an elf. The transformation to meekness in Elfijyah's demeanor toward Marisa seemed surprising, perhaps a result of years of isolation. "Hmm," Marisa mused, simultaneously engaging in telepathic banter with Elfijyah, teasing her about her less-than-stellar history.

"So, does the contract meet your satisfaction, Undyne?" Marisa inquired, seeking Undyne's approval. Undyne nodded in affirmation. Marisa then turned to Roxy, handing her the contract. "Take a look and let me know if you agree with the terms, or if there's anything else you'd like to add," she said to Roxy. As Roxy read through the contract, her brows furrowed in concentration.

"Um... I can't seem to recognize this language," Roxy admitted, causing both Marisa and Undyne to facepalm in their carelessness. Marisa had used the Spirit God's Tongue, an ancient language comprehensible only to spirits. However, there was also the Elf Spirit Tongue, a newer version that was far easier to read and understand.

"Alright, I'll simply explain the contents of the contract, and I want your honest thoughts and opinions to ensure that both of you are on the same page," Marisa clarified, prompting a nod of agreement from Roxy.


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