Chapter 7

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Everything had been smooth sailing for the past seven months. Marisa had formed close bonds with everyone in the elf village. However, with Elfijyah back in the elf society, her vision for a better future took shape. The once humble village transformed into a bustling elf kingdom, now equipped with improved houses and defenses to protect against potential invaders seeking to enslave the elves.

Utilizing the power of nature, the kingdom remained hidden from prying eyes, visible only to elves. Despite Elfijyah's initial reluctance, Marisa playfully named it the Elfin Kingdom, a pun on her name, much to the delight of the elves who embraced the title.

Marisa's magical prowess had also grown significantly. Thanks to her enhanced recipe of Magic Shroom and Crystal Soup, she could effortlessly unleash 50 advanced spells or cast three saintly magics in quick succession without relying on her hakkero. However, Marisa found herself unable to share her culinary creations with anyone else rather no one appreciated it, leading to a sense of loneliness that weighed heavily on her.

Marisa, prompted by Elfijyah's tip about a water fairy aiding an impoverished village on the Demon continent, embarked on a journey there. As she glanced at the cauldron brimming with Magic Shroom and Crystal Soup, Marisa realized that it would spoil if left untouched. 

With a sense of duty, Marisa started distributing the peculiar dish to the other elves. Despite their tearful "joy" upon receiving the soup, it was widely known that only Marisa could handle the toxic concoction she had concocted. 

Glarald, quick-witted as ever, claimed to have a mushroom allergy, a statement that soon spread among the other elves. Aware that mushrooms were a natural part of their environment and questioning the validity of their sudden allergies, Marisa found herself in a dilemma.

Realizing that no one else would partake in the soup, Marisa chose to consume it all herself. The overwhelming magical energy within the dish caused her mana to overflow, resulting in a two-day delay in her departure. Illianaro, grateful for having avoided Marisa's soup distribution, stayed clear of her. Glarald, feeling guilty as he watched Marisa fall ill, knew that consuming the soup would be fatal for him as well.

After being healed, Marisa noticed that even in her pain, her mana capacity had expanded due to that earlier debacle. She pondered the possibility that overflowing mana might propel her to new heights, enabling her to unleash her ultimate technique, the Final Version Master Spark. Marisa believed this attack could potentially reach a Saint rank or even higher, depending on the extent of mana she could channel.

Reflecting on her proficiency in the world's magic system as outlined by Elfijyah, Marisa excelled in Fire magic at an Advanced rank, while Water and Wind magic stood at Intermediate ranks. However, her Earth magic skills lingered at an Elementary rank, much to her disdain. 

Marisa despised Earth magic for its cumbersome nature, contradicting her belief that a potent offense served as the best defense. In Marisa's eyes, Earth magic represented an antithesis to her agile and aggressive lifestyle.

At most, Marisa envisioned merging Earth magic with Fire magic to create a spectacle of literal stars cascading from the sky, akin to a meteor shower. She harbored a dream of emulating the creation of a sun, similar to the Hell Raven Lady in the underworld. However, she acknowledged the vulnerability such grand displays would entail, as she struggled to amass mana swiftly enough to defend herself during the incantation.

As Marisa made her way towards the gates, she observed the gathered elves bidding her farewell. Startled, she exclaimed, "Did you all assemble just to watch me depart?!" To her surprise, they confirmed her suspicion, expressing their gratitude. 

Glarald and Illianaro stood at the forefront, with Glarald reminiscing fondly, "Marisa, you have become our greatest benefactor. It's only natural for us to see you off. We had considered a farewell celebration, but knowing your aversion to such attention, we refrained."

Although Marisa struggled to accept compliments, she appreciated the sentiment behind the elves' gesture. Modestly, she responded, "Ah, it's nothing at all. It's my duty as the apostle to assist where I can."

"Hahaha! Anyway, Marisa, we bid you a safe journey," Illianaro chuckled as he handed her a magic book, causing Marisa's eyes to sparkle with excitement. "Thank you, teacher! I will treasure your teachings and spread your wisdom," Marisa replied gratefully, mounting her broom and soaring off, leaving a trail of magical stars in her wake.

Perplexed by the mention of wisdom, Glarald questioned Illianaro's choice of gift. "What wisdom did you impart to Marisa?" he inquired, noting that Marisa often shared magical insights with him instead.

"I taught her about the customs of different continents and the diverse races she may encounter, ensuring she is prepared and not caught off guard. Additionally, I enlightened her about the various monsters in existence and even shared tips on charming the ladies," Illianaro explained sagely, prompting a bemused reaction from Glarald.

Unconvinced about the necessity of the latter lesson, Glarald raised an eyebrow at the mention of wooing girls. "The latter part seems rather unnecessary," he remarked, puzzled by the emphasis on courting skills.

Reflecting on his past, Illianaro reminisced, "In my youth, I was surrounded by beauties—" before Glarald interrupted, urging him to retire for the night. "Alright, grandpa, time for bed," Glarald insisted, steering Illianaro away as the onlookers dispersed and the gates closed behind Marisa's departure.


Marisa soared through the sky, engaging in a mental conversation with Elfijyah. "How can you be certain that the spirit of water is truly there?" Marisa inquired, seeking clarification.

Elfijyah's response was laden with frustration, her voice tinged with irritation. "It's merely a gut feeling, fueled by the sheer annoyance I experience whenever I sense the presence of the demon continent," Elfijyah gritted her teeth in exasperation.

Observing the tension in Elfijyah's words, Marisa probed further, "It appears that your relations with the spirit are less than amicable." Elfijyah's response was immediate and fiery, her anger palpable. "Certainly not! That spirit is beyond infuriating; not only does she neglect her duties, but she also dares to claim that in times of drought, she must induce floods. And where does she release these floods? In my territory! She incessantly targets me, causing the forests to flood during the rainy season. I am constantly drenched, leading to sickness from bloating as the water seeps through my body," Elfijyah recounted, vividly recalling the discomfort and distress caused by the relentless deluge.

Marisa's surprise was evident as she processed the revelation. "Wait, you two aren't on the same team?" she exclaimed, prompting Elfijyah to regret not providing a clearer explanation earlier.

"No, I am the guardian of the forest while she is the guardian of the sea. We used to convene at the spirit table where all spirits gathered to discuss matters. However, over the centuries, I have been the sole spirit attending these meetings. The whereabouts of the other spirits remain unknown to me. It seems that like me, the people in their jurisdictions no longer hear them, and they have faded into obscurity. Yet, I believe they still exist," Elfijyah explained, her wisdom failing to unravel the mystery of their silence.

Despite her vast knowledge, Elfijyah remained perplexed by the silence of the other spirits. However, with Marisa's unique ability to hear them, she envisioned a scenario where their voices could be heard once more. Perhaps through Marisa, the lost companions could reunite, bridging the gap in their solitary existence.

A mischievous grin crossed Elfijyah's face as she pictured Undyne's reaction when faced with the prospect of having to seek her assistance to communicate with Marisa.



Well, looks like we're about to have a run-in with a named character, and let's be real, it's pretty darn obvious who that's gonna be at this stage of the story!

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