Chapter 2

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As the night deepens, unbeknownst to Marisa, a hidden band of five ethereal beings lurks nearby. These humanoid creatures, exuding a mesmerizing beauty, are the enigmatic elves of this realm. With keen awareness of the intruder in their midst, they tread cautiously, guarding their village's secrecy. 

"Have the wolves disposed of the trespasser in our lands?" the leader queries, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Not yet, sire. The intruder is but a mere child, likely a runaway slave unaware of the dangers lurking in these woods," the subordinate responds, eliciting widened eyes and murmurs from the rest of the group.

"It's a stroke of luck that this child has found her way to us, fortune seems to favor her," the leader remarked, pondering their next steps. "Perhaps the spirits have guided her path," he mused aloud. "Furthermore, despite her lack of mana, the spirits surrounding her are abundant," the subordinate added, prompting a determined gleam in the leader's eyes. "It may be destiny. 

We shall nurture this child; she may hold the key to restoring our elfin heritage," the leader declared, met with silent agreement from his companions. The elves swiftly dispatched the wolves below the tree, and with graceful precision, the leader gently scooped up Marisa, careful not to disturb her slumber.


In Marisa's dream, she found herself engrossed in reading ancient tomes and concocting mysterious potions when she was abruptly jolted back to reality by a cacophony of voices. 

The clamor was so deafening that she struggled to make sense of it all until a sudden hush fell over the crowd, replaced by a singular, commanding voice speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. Startled, Marisa could only manage a bold retort, "What in the world are you babbling about?!" in her characteristic roguish tone.

Surveying her surroundings, Marisa  found herself in a quaint wooden chamber, the absence of others adding to her bewilderment. Nestled in a plush bed, she noticed her attire had been upgraded from rags to something more refined. 

Suddenly, a voice resonated in her mind, speaking in a foreign language that left her perplexed. Recognizing the telepathic communication, she shook her head in a display of her confusion, clearly indicating her lack of understanding of the conversation at hand.

In an instant, her mind was inundated with memories of the time she was struck by debris from an asteroid when Flandre caused it to explode. Despite its diminutive size, the impact was excruciating, akin to a searing agony. 

Waves of nausea washed over her, reminiscent of the motion sickness she experienced on Yukari's interdimensional train, the queasiness so intense she felt on the brink of retching. Overwhelmed by the onslaught of sensations, her body instinctively shut down, plunging Marisa into unconsciousness to shield her from further torment.


In Marisa's dream world, a diminutive fairy materialized before her, exuding a power nearly comparable to the three mischievous fairies she knew. The fairy bowed respectfully before Marisa, uttering an unexpected apology. 

Perplexed by this sudden declaration, Marisa sought clarification, prompting the fairy to explain further. "We are seeking a worthy apostle who can comprehend our spirits. With the High Elves dwindling in numbers, we and other formidable spirits have ventured into other dimensions, like yours, in search of a suitable candidate," the fairy revealed, her words hanging in the air as she paused.

"We have discovered you, and we are elated to have found such a formidable apostle in you. However, what we failed to anticipate was that the purification spell inadvertently altered your entire being and stripped you of all your powers. 

We have only now realized that you were not born a magician... you became one as a result of the multitude of hardships within your body..." The fairy's voice resonated with a mixture of remorse and sorrow, acknowledging the unintended consequences of their actions and the devastation wrought upon someone who had toiled diligently to achieve magical prowess.

Marisa stood in stunned silence as the fairy disclosed the consequences of their actions, realizing that her strength had been diminished to the point where she struggled against a mere wolf. Recollections of the battles she had fought, the scars she had earned, and the tools she cherished flooded her mind. 

"Where are my belongings?" Marisa exclaimed, a sense of urgency gripping her. "Umm... we have them here-" the fairy began, only to be swiftly interrupted by Marisa's eager demand, "Give them to me!" Her insistence left the fairy perplexed. "Aren't you-" once again, Marisa interjected firmly, "Nope! Just give me my Hakkero and broom!"

The fairy let out a sigh and communicated with her companions. Shortly after, three other fairies appeared, carrying Marisa's broom and Hakkero into her dream. Without hesitation, Marisa embraced the items, a tear of joy glistening in her eye. 

Her broom held the second most crucial position in Marisa's arsenal, as it possessed the ability to harness magic for flight, requiring minimal input from herself. As for her Hakkero, it stood as the most vital tool in her possession. Without it, Marisa knew she could never exceed her previous capabilities. 

Now, with these items back in her hands, she could envision surpassing her former self. However, before she could achieve this, she needed to unlock her mana, a task she excelled at... by preparing her specialty mushroom stews.

"Ahem!" The fairy's interruption broke Marisa's train of thought, earning a dissatisfied glance from the magician. Sensing the potential challenges ahead with this particular apostle, the fairy cleared her throat and continued, "In any case, you possess the ability to understand the languages of all races in the six-faced world—disregarding the void seventh. 

Your role as our apostle enables you to communicate with us, the spirits, as the elves have lost this ability and can only sense our presence." Marisa absorbed the information before tentatively raising her hands. "So, I'm essentially a Miko?" she inquired, prompting a nod from the fairy, followed by a shake of the head. 

"It would be unwise to align yourself as a Miko, as that could lead to the loss of your autonomy, forcing you into servitude in a realm where humans exhibit cruelty," the fairy cautioned. Marisa acknowledged the point, understanding that humanity, like any other group, harbored its share of bad apples.Even in her world, where humans ranked at the bottom of the food chain.

"Before I agree, would you hear my proposition first?" Marisa proposed to the fairy. The fairy, known for their benevolence, nodded in agreement, recognizing Marisa as their first apostle in a considerable amount of time.


Ah, the mysterious realm of elf knowledge in the moshoku world—practically a blank canvas for my fanfic masterplan to unfold! So, what do you think of my grand scheme? I've got three routes for Marisa to survive the forest, but then a sneaky fourth one popped up out of nowhere! Anyway, before we dive deeper into planning, let me hit you with a question: Harem, solo, non-Harem, OC Harem, established characters harem, or a mix of 'em all? It's decision time, folks!

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