Chapter 13

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Marisa continued to explain the concepts behind the four elements of magic to Roxy. "Water is like air; it's all around us, much like mana. If you can sense, you can gather water molecules from the air into a single point. Being water-affiliated, this should come relatively easily to you," Marisa elaborated.

"As for air, it's also omnipresent, but not in the way we traditionally think. The 'air' around us is space filled with oxygen and other gases. The wind we manipulate is the breeze we feel and the currents moving around us. To create wind magic, you have to manifest it using your mana," Marisa explained further, using water as a visual aid. She gathered water in her palm and created an upward flow, simulating an updraft. Then, she transformed it into a wind element, demonstrating how the flow changed.

"Wind is often seen as unruly because it symbolizes freedom. While you can control it to a certain extent, it's more suited for enhancing yourself, spells, or weapons," Marisa concluded with a smile, emphasizing the nature of wind magic.

"Now, let's talk about earth magic," Marisa began, shifting her focus to this elemental aspect. "Think of your mana as the fertilizer and the earth as the plant. This analogy helps us understand how earth magic works. One of the evolutions of earth magic is Nature magic, which Elfijyah here is an expert in," Marisa gestured towards Elfijyah.

"By infusing the ground with mana, you can control the earth that's imbued with mana to a certain extent. For example, you can create an earth wall and enhance it to be more robust. This leads to another evolution of earth magic, which is metal manipulation," Marisa explained, outlining the progression of earth magic.

"To summarize in simple terms," Marisa continued, "fire magic emphasizes attack, water magic focuses on support, wind magic enhances abilities, and earth magic leans towards defense. Of course, you can use elements in various ways, but it's essential to have sufficient knowledge before experimenting," Marisa concluded the quick lesson with a nod, ensuring Roxy grasped the basics of each elemental magic's focus.

Marisa couldn't help but be curious about what Roxy would write after her explanation. To her surprise, Roxy's written response was incredibly detailed. For every 20 words Marisa spoke, Roxy penned down a comprehensive 100-word explanation. It showcased Roxy's intelligence and deep understanding of the subject.

Impressed by Roxy's thorough comprehension, Marisa decided to let Roxy do her thing while she took a brief nap. The warm sunlight streaming in through the window only added to Marisa's drowsiness, making her succumb to a peaceful rest.


Roxy finished writing and felt her fingers were a bit tired. She glanced around and noticed Marisa sleeping on the chair, her head resting against the window sill. Roxy debated whether to wake her, but Marisa opened one eye and looked at her.

"So, it's finished?" Marisa asked.

"Yes, it's done. I'm sorry for taking so long," Roxy apologized.

Marisa waved it off. "No need to rush. Learning should take its time," she advised, standing up from the chair. "Anyway, since it's still daytime, let's grab something to eat and maybe search for magical artifacts."

"Sure, but do you think we'll easily find magical artifacts?" Roxy inquired hesitantly.

Marisa grinned confidently. "Don't worry. If we don't find any, I'll just raid a dungeon. Easy loot," she reassured, instilling trust in Roxy with her words.

Roxy did not doubt Marisa's capabilities; from her perspective, Marisa must be at least a hundred years old to achieve such feats. Little did Roxy know, that even combining Marisa's past age with her current one would still make her younger than Roxy.

As they navigated through the lively streets, Marisa couldn't help but notice the bustling activity in what she thought was a remote area. Upon reaching the eatery, Marisa's curiosity piqued as she examined the dishes. Thanks to Elfijyah's introductions after Marisa's battles, she could identify some of the dishes. Despite Elfijyah's warning about the monster meat tasting bad, Marisa held the belief that there were no bad ingredients, only bad chefs.

Marisa excitedly ordered dishes containing creatures known to be poisonous, causing Roxy to look at her with concern. She warned Marisa about the potential danger of such dishes, but Marisa simply smiled and replied, "I know, Roxy. I'll handle it. No need for the sales pitch."

Roxy felt a mixture of confusion and trust. She trusted Marisa to have a magical or medicinal solution to counteract poison. However, her bewilderment grew when Marisa suddenly grabbed a black crystal resembling the mana crystals of those monsters and casually put it in her mouth like candy.

Roxy was left speechless. Did Marisa just eat a mana crystal? It couldn't be, right? It must have just looked similar, she reasoned with herself, though the doubt lingered in her mind.

As time passed and their order was still not ready, Roxy grew increasingly nervous every time Marisa casually popped another black crystal into her mouth while absentmindedly gazing at the bustling streets. Roxy struggled to calm herself, resisting the urge to snatch Marisa's pouch of "candy" or rather, what Roxy feared was not candy at all.

Roxy anxiously awaited their food, hoping it would arrive soon and distract Marisa from her peculiar snacking habits. Finally, their meals were served, and Marisa lost in her thoughts, commented on how delicious it looked. To Roxy's horror, Marisa didn't take any precautions or cast any spells before eagerly digging into the food renowned for its lethality.

In a panic, Roxy reached out and grabbed Marisa's hand, halting her from taking a second bite.

"What are you doing?" Marisa asked innocently, oblivious to Roxy's distress.

"No, no, what are you doing?!" Roxy exclaimed, exasperated. She couldn't understand how Marisa could be so casual about eating something known to be lethal to anyone without immunity.

"Eating," Marisa replied simply as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"You're eating food that's only served to demons with immunity to poisons!" Roxy stressed, hoping to make Marisa realize the danger she was putting herself in.

Marisa, however, seemed amused by Roxy's reaction. "So? Why can't I eat it?" she asked mischievously, further confirming Roxy's growing suspicion that Marisa lacked common sense in certain matters.

"You'll get sick or possibly die," Roxy warned desperately, trying to make Marisa understand the gravity of her actions. Marisa, however, simply raised her eyebrows, removed Roxy's hand from her own, and continued eating without a care in the world.

"It's fine. I'm not going to die since I'm technically ingesting poison every day," Marisa nonchalantly remarked, leaving Roxy utterly speechless. It suddenly clicked for Roxy—the candies were poisonous. But maybe it would be fine? Roxy hoped so, though deep down, she remained anxious.

Before long, Marisa began complaining about her stomach ache, and it was only thanks to Undyne's quick healing abilities that Marisa was saved from the consequences of her reckless snack.

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