Chapter 14

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Marisa had splurged on the human god tongue version of magic spells, finding it rather expensive but easily within her budget. However, after reading through it, Marisa couldn't help but mutter, "It's trashy," under her breath. The excessive details seemed unnecessary to her, especially considering her perspective as someone with advanced magical abilities. While chanting could help form a mental image of the spell, Marisa believed it didn't necessarily make the spell stronger; understanding the underlying principles and observing the world around you could be just as effective, if not more so.

Marisa knows the apparent isolationism of those who pursued magic in this world. It seemed like many relied solely on books and lectures, neglecting the rich sources of inspiration that the world itself offered. To Marisa, this was a serious limitation on their potential and a significant drawback to their magical abilities.

Marisa observed Roxy's attempts to cast the basic wind spell, "breeze," with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. Roxy seemed to struggle with the concept, repeatedly failing to conjure the desired effect. Marisa decided to intervene, using her book to send a gentle gust towards Roxy. This action puzzled Roxy, who looked at Marisa with confusion.

"Don't try to gather the wind; let it flow naturally," Marisa instructed, emphasizing the difference between the breeze spell and a concentrated wind ball. She reminded Roxy not to skip steps in spellcasting just because they seemed easy. "You need to master each step before moving on to the next," Marisa advised, hoping her guidance would help Roxy grasp the fundamentals more effectively.

My apologies for that! Here's the full dialogue:

"Anyway, let's start discussing how to increase your mana," Marisa suddenly said, making Roxy perk up. Undyne and Elfijyah popped up, looking at Marisa. Marisa felt judged by the two fairies, her mouth twitching as she sensed they saw her as irresponsible. "I have several methods, but I think this one is more effective for you. Unfortunately, you've hit the limit on your mana capacity... The most obvious option is a soul-nourishing pill made by... hmm, eccentric people. Or, I'll personally use my mana to enter your body and help it absorb mana, slowly strengthening your soul. The strength of the soul determines your mana capacity. You're above average, but not enough, unfortunately," Marisa explained.

Elfijyah looked at Marisa with tenderness, appreciating her consideration and not suggesting the mushroom concoction she had used in the Elfin village. Undyne, however, shot Elfijyah a disapproving look, clearly trusting Marisa's judgment and methods.

"What's wrong with the first option?" Roxy asked Marisa, curious about the soul-nourishing pill. Marisa smiled and simply said, "Do you believe the lies that come from a merchant's mouth? There's no such thing as soul-nourishing pills unless you're practicing alchemy. And alchemy is very hard to do. A soul-nourishing pill, if it even exists, would cost thousands of gold." Marisa shook her head, dismissing the idea.

Roxy persisted, asking, "Can you do alchemy?" Marisa sighed and replied, "Yes, I can, but I'm not that good at it. I mainly use alchemy for hobbies and experimenting, and sometimes things explode in my face." She chuckled at the memory of her alchemical mishaps.

"Then there's no choice, to begin with," Roxy grumbled, feeling a bit frustrated. Marisa chuckled softly. "There is a choice, and it's one I've used since I was younger," she explained, catching Roxy's attention. "Eating a variety of mushrooms every day, especially the poisonous ones, can significantly increase your mana. Additionally, munching on mana crystals from beasts you've defeated also boosts your mana reserves," Marisa revealed.

Roxy was speechless for a moment, then exclaimed, "So it's mana crystals!" Her fears had come true - the candies Marisa casually consumed were, in fact, mana crystals that a normal human couldn't ingest or eat.

Undyne looked pale and shot a glare at Elfijyah. "I tried to stop her! It's not my fault! It's her method!" Elfijyah exclaimed, knowing how Undyne must be feeling. If she were in Undyne's shoes, she'd be angry too since their first Apostle, Marisa, would be in danger due to her potentially lethal methods.

"Don't be too harsh on Elfijyah, Undyne," Marisa intervened, sensing the tension. "She was annoying at first because she nagged me to stop such methods. Now, because she trusted my judgment and steps in when I can't hold on, she's become a much more precious companion." Marisa's acknowledgment softened the atmosphere a bit.

"But where did you get such an idea?" Undyne inquired of Marisa, her concern evident. Marisa glanced at Elfijyah, who nodded and gestured for a private conversation with Undyne. The two spirits vanished, leaving Marisa and Roxy alone in the room.

"I guess the second option is the better choice," Roxy muttered, feeling overwhelmed. Marisa nodded in agreement. "There is a choice, but it's not suitable for you. We could save about five years if we use what I've been using," Marisa explained, a hint of mischief in her grin. "Um... I'm not in a rush," Roxy replied, her tone pleading for a safer alternative.

"Then lie down on the bed and lift your shirt," Marisa instructed confidently. Roxy hesitated, her face flushing with embarrassment at the idea of exposing herself, even to someone of the same gender. Sensing Roxy's discomfort, Marisa decided to tease her a bit. "I'll do it too if you want," Marisa said with a feigned shy expression, trying to lighten the mood. Roxy blushed even more, caught off guard by Marisa's playful comment.

Unable to contain her amusement, Marisa burst into laughter. "Ah, such a cute reaction," she teased. "But seriously, it's better if you go through with it. Trust me, the alternative would be a painful experience, at least in my case." Marisa's quick shift in tone and demeanor helped Roxy gather her composure, realizing that enduring a bit of discomfort now was preferable to ingesting poisonous substances every day.

Roxy slowly lifted her shirt, feeling a bit embarrassed by the confusion. Marisa facepalmed and let out a heavy sigh. "I just meant to expose your back; there's no need to remove all your clothes. I didn't realize you'd take it so literally," Marisa explained, a hint of amusement in her voice. Roxy, feeling a bit defensive, retorted, "You weren't clear with your instructions!" Marisa chuckled softly. "Fair enough. Let's continue."

Marisa placed her hands on Roxy's spine and directed the mana to flow into her body. Roxy couldn't help but let out a sharp moan, surprising both of them. Marisa quickly withdrew her hands, her expression a mix of confusion and concern. "Why are you moaning?" she asked, a bit flustered. 

Roxy, her cheeks flushed, retorted, "I-I was just caught off guard, that's all!" Marisa, recalling her own experience of discomfort during such procedures, wondered if Roxy secretly enjoyed it. "Let's just keep it quiet; we don't want the innkeeper giving us odd looks," Marisa said, trying to resume the mana infusion without further distractions.

The process proved grueling for Marisa; Roxy's unexpected reactions caught her off guard. Roxy, clearly trying to stifle her moans, couldn't entirely mask her discomfort. Marisa's sensitive hearing heightened her own discomfort, feeling as though she were touching hot metal. With each passing moment, Marisa grew more flustered, sweat clinging to her clothes, her throat parched. 

After just ten minutes, Marisa halted the procedure, needing a moment to catch her breath. Roxy lay on the bed, breathing heavily and visibly exhausted. Marisa wasted no time in drinking water from a conjured water ball, and for the next few minutes, silence filled the room as both tried to recover from the ordeal.



Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that I am utterly incapable of cook (up some scenes)... cue dramatic tears and laughter  Oh well, guess we'll just have to wing it and hope for the best!

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