The lost island

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"What a pretty lady.. What's your name?"


I stare down the intruder of my tropical island... My people catched him and he even came with them on their own free will... I'm sitting here in my throne with crossed legs and my chin is leaned into the palm of my hand... Who wants to know that? I ask the red haired guy in front of me who got forced by my people to bow before me...


a smirk appears on my face as I try not to laugh out loud "How rude of me... My name is Shanks. A pleasure to meet you Miss..."


I huff a little amused, and show a toothy grin towards the man in front of me. My canine fangs can be seen quite clearly now and my long pierced elven ears twitch a little as I hear a gunshot outside the cave... "Your people are causing chaos here on my island, captain... How about you finally retreat and leave the island again... It would spare you all the havoc here... Your people are going to be safe and mine too..."


I chuckle and grin at you playfully "You think we are scared... We are the Red Hair Pirates. We are not that easily scared off... What do you want in exchange for us to leave?"


"My people are distressed by your intrusion... I'm the ruler here and just want to see my people safe... Just like you are the big boss for your people too... So why don't you follow my offer and peacefully leave again before more people are getting hurt... Why are you here anyway? My island is not on anybodies maps to find on the grandline... How did you find us?" I want to know since he is the first after 10 years to approach this island... Nobody else has come here after I took this island under my control...


I laugh "I don't just wander around aimlessly. For me, this is a good chance to have some fun. Your island, a beautiful lady... what else do I need?" I look at you with a flirtatious look on my face, smirking


"You're not answering my questions here... You better should, because you're disrespecting me in a way which will only cause you trouble... And I won't allow you to stay here... You're an intruder and especially - a pirate... I won't let you steal from my people..." I deny him his stay on my island... I'm really not amused about his appearance here... The fight outside between his crew and my people has already started... We don't trust pirates... They only cause harm and destruction...


I scoff and smirk "And how do you plan to make us leave, little lady? The Red Hair Pirates have a reputation of being one of the most powerful and dangerous pirate groups in the world. I doubt you can make us leave if we don't want to..."


Rage is building up inside of me as he dares to scoff at me. "Oh,you think you're the big bad smartass here, huh?" I mock him with a smirk. I put my foot under his chin and pull it upwards. "You better watch out how you're talking to me~ You have no clue at all who I am... So keep that pretty mouth in check and only answer my questions, captain~..." I warn him with a wide grin, my fangs on display... I lean towards him from my sitting position on my throne inside this big fancy cave. My four subordinates still have spears pressed onto his back, so he better watches out what he is doing...


I let out a mischievous chuckle and smirk at you "That was a cute attempt dear... But this chin and this mouth have defeated enemies tougher than you, my beautiful lady... I am not afraid of you... My reputation and the power of my crew speaks for itself...You are lucky that you look so pretty, because that's the only thing keeping you alive right now..."

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