Little annoying game

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Fuck him!!! He will stay here as long I'm not going to him and do something against it! „Tatsu-sama, what do you plan to do? To make them leave?" Apep asked next to me, before we separated from each other, because I want him to rest... I just lowly growled and told him that I need more time to think on a plan... but I'm so frustrated... I can't start another fight which I probably can't win on my own... And I also don't want to risk the tribes people lives... I'm so conflicted on what to do... Why can't this idiot just leave us alone?!! When I'm finally back in my cave alone I sit down on my throne on the very open front of my „home" and tap my foot against the floor... Annoyed and grumpy... Thinking on a way how to make Shanks finally leave... But he is already having his way here to not leave as long I'm not killing him... I flare my nostrils because of my bad mood, letting out a heavy sigh...


Your growling is so tantalizing to me... even you being in a bad mood can't make me not like you. My heart beats faster and my breath is heavy just looking at you... I decided to walk towards your cave despite I know that you are pissed at my presence and I knock on that thick rock wall.





I immediately sense the danger and spit a big flame right at the entrance... A warning to fucking leave my place... Didn't he get it before, that I don't want to deal with him at the moment?


I step back as the flame erupts in front of the entrance. My eyes are wide open and my mind is working a thousand thoughts per second. I can tell this is a pretty dangerous situation right now. But the temptation of seeing you one more time is so strong... It makes me want to poke you and get a reaction... To see that fire filled gaze one more time... I decide to continue knocking.


In the meantime I transformed into my full dragon form so he can't do something to my human body that I don't want. „How. Many. Times. Do I. Have to tell you. To fucking leave me alone?!" I screech in my dragon voice. I'm lying on the floor trying to get some rest from this fucked up day... It's already middle in the night... Why doesn't he fucking leave me alone?


I can't help but be amused by your dragon form. Your body is so large and strong... And yet still, I find you cute. I look at your dragon face and I watch your lips as you speak in that angry dragon voice. I am starting to get used to your dragon voice now, to me it is almost the same as hearing your human voice as it carries that same fiery energy... I knock again.


„At least let me fucking sleep!" I snarl at him and just lay my head down again onto the floor in my curled up position trying my best to ignore him, but he is making me just more furious with his stupid annoying behavior... At least my scales keep me warm and protected like a shield... That's why I remain like this...


Your dragon form is just so alluring to me. I want to reach out and touch your scales just like I wanted to touch your skin a few moments ago. I look at your tail which seems to be quite large and strong. I want to lay next to it and sleep right next to it. I keep knocking and this time I won't stop...


Fuck him! He is making me angrier with every further knock he is doing. With my tail I try to snatch him... I want to fucking squish him to death with it.

The Lion and the Dragoness (Shanks X OC)Where stories live. Discover now