Burning rage / desire

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I want to shout back, but I will be wiser this time..."Better fucking not!" I want to scream after him but I don't do it... Frustrated, I look back at the town and the damage my people took... I immediately transform back into my first Dragon form with just the horns and dragon tail and start ordering around my people to help me tend to the wounded ones.


I'm still looking back at you and smirk at you as you transform back to your female form. Your beauty is striking me now. Your horns and your tail look very attractive on you. I can't get away from this feeling of wanting to fight you but also wanting to get to know you more. I see you ordering your people around and I smirk again, amused by the way you give those orders. Your commanding voice really adds to your sexy appearance... I think I am starting to fall for you...


I help my people to treat the wounds as the best medic here in the town... I just hope those pirates for real leave my island... I don't even have the time to look if they do - my tribe people are way more important now. Apep, my tribes leader is also finally awake and I tend to his wounds immediately because he got the most impact from this power called "Haki"... I wonder what this power is... Never heard of it... how can someone learn something like that?... Or is that something you can only get by chance?... My mind is going all to Shanks and his mysterious power... But I also have to focus on my people now... So I shake this topic off and treat my people's wounds... I can't waste any time or thought about those damn pirates...


I watch you heal your people one after another, treating some of your tribe people's wounds personally. To see the leader of the island caring for their people with so much affection is truly heartwarming. I start walking off to my ship with my crew behind me. I couldn't help but notice that whenever you had to take care of certain particularly difficult wounds you would get very close up to the injured and really get into helping them. I couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy, a feeling of wanting you to treat me with as much care as you are showing these people now...


The day passed and some peace finally returned after those pirates left... But their smell is still in the air... And I hate this smell... Are they still camping with their ship on the shore? If they do I will fucking shred them into pieces together with their ship...

It finally has become late evening and I'm sitting at the campfire in the middle of town, the tribespeople who are not hurt are surrounding me... Some of them are eating, some of them are just chatting and many are looking at me... They all praised and thanked me for my courage to protect the island once again... But despite their praise I'm feeling down...


I'm lurking in the shadows of the forest since I can't get my mind off of today's events, wanting to see you once more. I can sense that you are not really happy with how everything went today. You were forced to use all your strength to protect your people. You were forced to fight. You had to see your people get hurt. You had to fight someone even stronger than yourself. Seeing you like this saddens me... But I feel the need now even more so to get to know this lady better. I want to make her smile again... I want to make her happy again... I want to protect her from the world. I think this is love... I feel it in my heart.


I don't even have an appetite at the moment... I'm just relieved that my people are safe... But I still feel uneasy and down... All of this made me remember my past the last few hours where Shanks retreated... Good I hate pirates... They are the worst people on this whole planet...

The Lion and the Dragoness (Shanks X OC)Where stories live. Discover now