A nocturnal visit

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Overall POV

Shanks was indeed planning to visit you again during the night, he was planning to visit every single night from now on until you finally gave him a chance. But Shanks was just about to go to your cave when he noticed the aura of how angry you were and how you were about to break down. He could tell how mentally exhausted you are and so he stopped himself from visiting you tonight... He also noticed how much hatred and anger you were feeling towards him... But even after everything you said and all the anger you have been showing him, he still finds you so damn attractive... He is in a conflict if he should try again tonight or not... But something inside him pulls him towards you... A voice inside his head which is telling him to see you anyway... To really try again and convince you to interact with him...


At night I was finally at my cave again after I kept myself busy the whole day... Thank God, I did... I needed this... I wanted to be close to my people making sure they are not overwhelmed with the preparations for the festival and I'm relieved that I can help them with my strong dragon powers... I will help them tomorrow as well even if they don't want me to do it... The work kinda helped me to distract my conflicted mind... But the people noticed... They were so kind as to ask me if everything is alright to make sure that I'm doing fine... I just told them that I'm okay and they don't need to worry... and I added many times that I will keep them safe from the pirates no matter what... Even if it costs me my life... So just at a certain point of my long day, which was filled with work, where I ate the rest of my food from midday... I can smell that asshole again nearby... I sigh and growl annoyed... He better stays the fuck away from my cave... I'm not in the mood to deal with him this evening... Not after the disturbing and annoying thing he already did yesterday...

Overall POV

Shanks is still in the area of your cave and he can smell the food from your cave as well, but he can also smell your scent. It only keeps tempting him even more and he cannot resist the urge to visit you tonight and to see if he could have gotten you to change your mind. After all, he was quite persistent when it came to trying to change your mind already yesterday. But when he gets closer to your cave he can also smell your anger... A strong and menacing scent that makes him hesitant to enter your cave right now... But he still finds it so irresistible... He still doesn't understand what's making him act all like this... All he knows is that he wants to be close to you... to interact with you... talk to you... touch you... It's driving him crazy...


I finished my food and cleaned the dishes... After that I lock myself into one of the rooms far off in the depths of the cave... My personal chambers... He better stays the fuck away... I'm just tired... And my mind is definitely not ready for another encounter with him... it will just give me a headache once again... I'm not in the mood to do anything at all anymore tonight... Just a good nights sleep, which I really need after this day full with mental struggles. But not only that... The work also exhausted me... Maybe I overdid it a little too much today...

Overall POV

Shanks is getting very close to your cave now and he can see your lights inside your room. He is getting all sorts of tempted to come knocking on your door, but he can still feel your anger and the scent is making him doubt if you are really going to let him in at this point. He still feels so tempted though and he is also wondering whether or not the doors are already locked... This desire which he is feeling is making him feel all kinds of different emotions... Emotions which he hasn't felt so strongly for anyone out there in the world... What makes you so special? Why is his body reacting towards these urges so intensely? Why can't he control himself? He is going completely nuts... It's like he is in a trance-like state... his mind is only filled with you... You and your beautiful body... Your fierce and impetuous persona... You are like no other woman he has ever met... But what makes you so different from them and why is he feeling so much temptation for you like for no other person before?

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