Eaten up soul

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"Come on, we better go... And please finally go home and get some rest... Your wife will be mad at you the more you spend time with me, just to make sure I'm okay... I'm fine... So please go back to bed..." I tell him as I pack up my stuff and strap the bag around my shoulders with my medic stuff... He is completely reckless with his own health... Always pretending like the strong stoic warrior, which he is, but he is severely wounded, so it's not really wise of him to run around with such a deep wound...

Overall POV

Apep is very reluctant to move away from you, but he knows that you are right. He feels so guilty for enjoying your affection so much and he also feels bad for leaving his wife and kids at home. So he reluctantly starts to stand up. He looks at you with a little sad and regretful look, and he also shakes his head as he looks down to the ground. He then says that he will go home back to his family. He then suddenly realizes he forgot to say one thing before he leaves you...


I nod at him too and thank God he's reasonable... Together with him we walk into the town... I wonder what's lingering on his mind with that thoughtful dejected face... He somehow looks very troubled and conflicted about something. But he isn't the only one with a mind full of troublesome thoughts. My mind is being flooded too with doubts and worries... With self blame and so much frustration... This current danger out there on the shore is making me feel restless, furious and depressed at the same time... it's pure chaos inside my mind...

Overall POV

Apep feels a deep urge to tell you one last thing before you two depart. His thoughts and feelings for you are getting the better of him and he can barely keep his feelings and thoughts contained now. He suddenly stops and he looks at you with a look of desperation on his face. He looks at you with very intense eyes and he opens his mouth to say something before he realizes that he can't find the words...


I stop in my tracks as he suddenly stands still behind me... I wonder what's up... but as I notice that he is speechless, I give him a soft reassuring smile... Well, as best I can in the current situation. I don't want to make him feel any more bad than he already does.

Overall POV

Apep looks at you with very intense and passionate eyes as he struggles to put into words what he is feeling. He feels like there are no words that can ever describe the depth of his feelings for you. And even if he could describe them, there would still be no words to describe the guilt he has for having these feelings for you. All he can do is to look at you with his intense eyes, as if he has a lot of things to say but can't find the words...


I continue to smile at him, already knowing what he wants to say, but I shake my head as a sign that he better shouldn't say it... We have been doing this thing already for 10 years so he better not ruin it now, just because he is scared that Shanks might take me away from him... Our tribe leader has a wonderful wife and kids... So he shouldn't yearn so much for me... Not after those many "invitations" which he all declined... Every single one of them... I stopped with them after some time... And now it's too late to regret it just because of a stupid pirate invading our island... But I won't leave this island... The world outside is way too cruel to leave this peaceful island... I love it here... I've been safe here for 10 years... And I won't let this redhead ruin all of this peace... After some moments I start walking again...

Overall POV

Apep can't help but feel jealous of how Shanks is intruding on your peaceful life on this island. The fact that you two have been doing this thing for such a long time and now Shanks has suddenly appeared out of nowhere to change everything up for you two. Apep knows that he has no right to feel jealous about this, because he was the one who kept declining your invitations. But now he just feels like a fool who has thrown away something so precious. He feels like there is so much guilt inside of him right now and so many different emotions flowing through his heart...

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