Chapter 1

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Stay For Tonight





Vic's POV

His face is inches away from mine. Before I ask him what he's doing, he crashes those sweet lips onto mine.

It wasn't rough, it was romantic, like in the movies. I'm about to pull of his gray tee when,

"DUDE!," Jaime yells as he throws a pillow at my face, waking me up.

"Great," I think to myself. Dreaming of him for the fifth night in a row.

I'm about to throw it back at him when he yells, "ZERO GRAVITY!!!", and throws himself on me.

He starts laughing uncontrollably, revealing his dimples. Look at those dimples! And his hair, it's just so... Perfect. Like him.

"Viiiiiic! Get up! We have a day off and I wanna do something!!!!" We've been on tour for about a month now, and everytime we get the chance for a day off, we never do anything!!!

"Okay, Fine, just give me a few minutes to get dressed" I say as I yawn.

He gets off of me and heads to the bathroom. As soon as he closes the door, I get up and walk to my closet. I choose black skinny jeans and a gray sweatshirt, not really in the mood to get really fancy.

I strip down and slip on my skinny's and then my sweatshirt. I walk to the mirror and realize that my butt looks AWESOME! Great, I hope Jaime notices. I go downstairs to start making breakfast. Hmmm, Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles duh.

I grab them from the freezer and pop them into the microwave. While I wait, Jaime comes downstairs on the phone. "Yay, can't wait! Okay Bye, See you soon! Bye", He says as he hangs up.

"Who was that Hime?" I ask him but I clearly know the amswer. It was his demom girlfriend Taryn. They've been dating for five months and I can't beleive they're still together.

She's cheated on him at least three times and is just so mean to him! If Jaime was mine, I would never hurt him. But I have a hopeless chance with him.

"Oh, it was Taryn. You know how she lives in Las Vegas?" Yeah, with all the other sluts in the world, I think to myself. "Well, since we're passing through Las Vegas, she sad she would join us on the rest of the tour! Isn't that great?"

"That's great Jaime." I lie. The microwave beeps and I pull out the waffles. As soon as I turn my back to him, he exclaims, "Wow Vic! Your butt looks AMAZING in those jeans!!" And slaps my butt. I know he was just kidding around, but I still blushed.

We sit down at the table and begin eating as Tony and Mike walk in. "Hola Turtle. Hola Mike." Jaime says.

"Hey guys. Are we doing anything today?" Tony says as he sits at the table. "Well, Jaime and I wanted to do something, we can go to the mall." I say as I finish my last waffle. "Sounds like a plan." Mike says as he steals Jaime's last waffle.

"Damn it Mike!" Jaime screams as he punches Mike playfully on the shoulder. " I need to go get dressed" Tony says as he gets up. "Yeah me too." As Mike follows Tony.

"Well today should be fun!" Jaime says as he puts his plate in the sink. "Yeah, lots of fun" I mumble quietly to myself






Do you guys like it? Sorry It's so short! I just wanted to see if you guys liked it so far! To the people who live in Las Vegas: I am sorry. I dont wish to offend you c: I'm really excited about this story! Okay, Bye!

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