Stay For Tonight
Jaime's P.O.V
Although, I'm so happy that Vic and I have finally made up, the fact that we're stuck in this shitty gas station tones the mood down. I eat the rest of my chips and sigh.
"So," I say as I crumple up the Dorito bag and toss it in the nearby trashcan. "What do we do to entertain ourselves for the time being?"
"Well, Mr.Preciado, you are looking extra cute tonight and it's been a while since we've been close to eachother right?" Vic says, walking towards me. He immediately tangles his fingers into my tousled hair, and begins kissing me roughly. He bites my bottom lip and unleashes a devilish grin.
Smiling, I kiss him back, gently holding the back of his neck. Slowly, he begins to make his way down lower, sending chills down my spine. He was rough but I liked it, the way he sucked and bit my neck (And probably left a hickey.)
While he was doing this, I let go of the back of his neck and slid my hands under his shirt, feeling up his torso. He hurridly stepped back for a moment to take his shirt off.
I did so as well, and as soon as I started kissing his torso,
"OH YEAH, JUST FILM A PORNO RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME WHY DON'T YOU?" The cashier yells from the ground.
Vic let out a high-pitched scream and we both quickly put our shirts back on.
"Did you see all of that?" I ask him. "Well Mr.Preciado... Yes I saw everything, buy ehh it's fine, I'll get over it someday, right?." The shaggy dark-haired cashier says, sitting up-right.
"Are you gonna be okay here? We're leaving soon, and you seem kinda DRUNK and HAZY?" Vic says putting emphasis. "Well, yeah I guess. I'll leave when it's closing time, which is like, 8:00 PM." The cashier replies.
"Dude, it's like, 12 am... It's waaay past closing time." Jaime says, showing him the time on the wall. "Well fuck. I guess I'll just close up when your ride gets here."
The cashier seemed pretty nice, besides the fact that he's kinda hazy. We asked him his name and where he's from and all that jazz.
"My name's Tyler, I'm 21, I live in South Carolina and my occupation is a full time employee at a fucking BP. Exciting shit right?" He says, giving a huge sigh. "What about you guys?"
"Well, I'm Vic and he's Jaime," Vic says, pointing to me. "We're both from sunny San Diego. We're in a band called Pierce The Veil. I'm the vocalist and he's the bassist. There's two other members, but they're currently on our tour bus.
"Hey, my little sister listens to you guys all the time! She called me the other day and told me that she finally scored tickets to one of your concerts!" Tyler said excitedly.
"We're actually on tour right now! We're on our way to Nashville." Vic says, deeply exhaling.
"Did you say Nashville?!" Tyler asks. "Umm yeah. We should be getting there in the late morning. The show's isn't till like, 6 PM, so we'll just be hanging on the bus till then."
Tyler looked down at the floor and began tugging at the hem of his shirt. "Would it be possible if I could... tag along to Nashville? I moved here after me and my girlfriend started thinking about marriage and starting a family. But 2 weeks after we moved here, she dumped me and took half of my money."
"I used to live in Nashville with my parents and sibling with a pretty standard job. I worked at Hot Topic with my little sister. But I threw that all away for my GF and now, I have nothing. I don't know anybody here and I don't have money to travel back home."
"My family's been telling me to come back, but I just don't have the money. Please, I'm dying to be with them again." Tyler asks, pleading.
I look at Vic and he looks back at me. He nods his head and I do too.
"Alright kid. We'll take you to Nashville. Do you want us to pass by your apartment to grab some clothes or something?" I ask him.
"Fun fact, I was kicked out of the apartment I shared with two strangers today, so all my stuff is in the room in the back." He responded sheepishly.
"I guess we'll just wait till the bus gets here!" Vic says, sitting on the counter. "So Tyler, Have you ever listened to our music before?" Vic asks him.
"Well, I worked at Hot Topic, so it was usually playing in the store." He replied. "Ahhh, I see. Do you LIKE our music?" He asked, interrogating the boy. I gave him a look, but he ignored it.
"Haha yeah, I do. I kinda isolated myself from the world ever since the break-up, and I haven't gotten the chance to do what I used to, like go to concerts and festivals and all that fun stuff." Tyler replied.
"Well, we'll get you back into music. Free ticket to the concert. Courtesy of us. And we can gurantee you barricade." Vic said smiling.
"Do you think I'll be able to spot my sister in a crowd of hundreds of people?" Tyler asked us worried.
"Don't worry kid. You'll find her." I told him patting him on the back.
"Hey Tyler, Lemme just warn you about this pshycho chick that's on our bus..."
Hey hey hey
I'l probably update two days from now mm'kay?

Stay For Tonight
FanficVic Fuentes has fallen madly in love with his best friend Jaime Preciado. He finally has the guts to tell him and Jaime loves him back! Only problem: Jaime has a girlfriend. She decided to tag along with them on tour. Nothing could possibly go wrong...