Chapter 10
Stay For Tonight
Vic's P.O.V
"Well, I'll let you take care of it, okay? If she gets crazy on you, scream my name." Jaime says, kissing my cheek and leaving to his bunk.
" TARYN? HONEY?" I have to shove the last word out of my mouth so that I know she hears me. "Hi Vicky! Your mocha's on the table!" She says as she skips into the room. She immediately tries to kiss me, but I push her away.
"Taryn, we need to umm, discuss something." I say nervously. "Okay! What is it Vicky?" I keep myself from gagging at the sound of Vicky.
"Taryn, you are a beautiful girl, and you're very...sweet. But I don't think that we should be dating." My words stumble out and I feel bad.
She looks like she's on the verge of tears. "We only started dating like, 5 minutes ago! Why do you want to break-up?" She says, her voice getting a bit shaky.
Here goes nothing:
"It's not you. It's your... Gender. I guess." Holy frick. I just told her that I'm bi. Might as well keep going. "And I'm in love with... Jaime."
Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. "Then why did you agree to date me?" She says, biting her lip. "I didn't want you to be sad." I reply. "Vic, You're not a good liar! I know you're not gay!" She starts to laugh. This crazy bitch.
"Oh... Well... JAIME! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" I scream out for him. He runs in with his pillow and he looks like he's about to beat Taryn with it.
"Yes Vic?" He calmly asks. I rip the pillow out of his hand and throw it on the floor. "Vic, what are you doing?" Taryn asks, getting annoyed.
"This." I say as I take Jaime's face into my hands. I stare into his eyes just before I crash my lips onto his. It was sweet, our lips moving together in synch.
"JAIME WHAT THE HELL?" Taryn yells as she seperates us. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE STRAIGHT?"
"Well, I was! But Vic... He's just so... Taryn, why do you care?" Jaime says sternly. "WHY DO I CARE? BECAUSE YOU STOLE MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!" She screams violently.
"Taryn, calm down! Vic and I have been dating-" Jaime starts, but Taryn cuts him off. "WHAT? YOU'VE BEEN DATING? BEHIND MY BACK?" She screams, once again.
"Taryn, Jaime and I are dating. And if you don't like it, you can leave." I say, sick of the back and forth bickering between the two.
"Maybe I should leave! I wouldn't want to get in between your little gay relationship!" Taryn yells loud enough for the other guys to hear.
Mike runs in and looks Taryn in the eye for a second before he slings her over his shoulder. "MIKE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN!"
He takes her outside and Jaime and I watch from the window. He sets her on the ground and she immediately starts to punch him.
Taryn's weak. He doesn't care. "HEY TARYN! YOU FORGOT YOUR STUFF!" Tony yells as he walks into the room and flings her suitcase out the window.
Taryn's too distracted with her suitcase to realize that Mike ran inside the bus and locked the door.
The guys and I are just looking out the window at Taryn cursing at us. "FINE! I'LL LEAVE YOU GUYS ALONE FOR NOW! But You guys arent getting rid of me that easily..." She says picking up her suitcase and walking away from the bus.
"Hell.Yes." Tony says as he high fives Jaime and walks back into the lounge. "Well, now that she's out of the way..." I start, but Mike interrupts.
"You guys aren't going to fuck right in front of me, are you?" Mike says as he walks out of the room.
"Well, we could cuddle in my bed if you want?" Jaime says, tracing his fingers on my arm. "Sure Babe." I say, standing on my tippie-toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. Taryn's out of our lives... For now, that is..
Pretty Eventful if I do say so myself c: DO YOU GUYS LIKE PANIC AT THE DISCO AND/OR CROWN THE EMPIRE? Cause now I do c:
I'll update as soon as I can, kay?

Stay For Tonight
FanfictionVic Fuentes has fallen madly in love with his best friend Jaime Preciado. He finally has the guts to tell him and Jaime loves him back! Only problem: Jaime has a girlfriend. She decided to tag along with them on tour. Nothing could possibly go wrong...