Last Chapter

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I think it's time for me to start wrapping this story up
"Vic, sign my arm please?" A girl with jet black hair asks me. "Of course!" I reply as she smiles and extends her arm towards me. With my black sharpie, I scribble down my name. I analyze her face just before I'm done, hoping for it to be Tyler's sister.
Apparently, she told Tyler she had bought the VIP package, so she should be somewhere back here. Tyler showed us a picture of her, and so far, none of us have seen her.
"Thanks!" She squeaks as she runs back to her friends. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to find Jaime with his arm around a young girl. "Vic, this looks a whole lot like that girl in the picture, right?" It's her! I nod my head hurriedly and I yell out for Tyler to get over here.
"What is it?" He asks as he's walking towards us, but as he realizes who we've right beside us, the faster he starts walking.
"Oh my god Melanie!" He says, scooping the girl up into a hug. "God I missed you so much."
"Tyler, I missed you too." She says, after he sets her back down. "You dumbass, why the fuck would you go run off with a girl that was obviously no good for you?" She asks, punching him in the shoulder, half concerned, half pissed.
"I was wrong, I know, I know. But I promise, I'll never let that happen ever again." Tyler says, with a serious tone.
"Good. So, Pierce The Veil brought you here?" She asks, glancing at us. "Yeah, cool, right?" He says, beaming.
"That's gonna be a fun story for my parents to hear." She laughs, and hugs Tyler even tighter.
We hear Melanie's phone go off. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone which shows her mom's calling.
"She must be waiting outside. Wish we could stay longer, but we've gotta go." Melanie hugs Jaime and I, and walks over to Mike. She smiles, he smiles, and slowly starts crying. "God, this has been the best day of my life." She says as she hugs him.
"I'm guessing I'm the favorite, huh?" Mike says laughing.
"Yeah, you are." She says smiling. "Well, ready Tyler?"
"Yeah, I'm ready." He says, walking to his suitcase he had set aside the signing table. "Thank you. For doing this. It means a lot." Tyler says, pulling us both into hugs.
"We're just glad you're back home." Jaime says and I nod.
"Well, bye for now." He says pulling away. He puts his arm around Melanie and they walk away, leaving the venue.
"My heart. Ow." Is all I can say before Jaime hugs me.
"We did a good job."
"Yeah, we did."
"I don't mean to sound pushy, but we've got some fans over here eagar for you guys to sign their stuff." Mike says, as he signs a girl's forehead.
"Hey, where's Tony?" Jaime asks as I wrap my arms around his waist.
"I really dunno." I ask, curious.
"YOU GUYS. I went outside for two seconds to throw something away and I met this nice girl named Courtney. Mind if she tags along for a few days?" Tony says, holding hands with a girl wearing a crop top and booty shorts.
"Sure why not. She might just get along with Taryn really well." I say, as I kiss Jaime on the cheek. "Or drive us completely insane. One or the other." Jaime says laughing.
I look at Jaime, and realize that we've made up. We're good. He loves me, I love him. I'm finally with the one I love, and no one can change that. I kiss him on the lips.
"Aww What was that for?" He asks me, looking into my eyes.
"It's for everything we've been through." I say. "And for everything else to come."
The end.
Finally, it's been a year and I finally finished it :) I'll be working on a new story soon :)
For those of you who kept up with the story, thanks :)

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