Chapter 8
Stay For Tonight
Vic's P.O.V
We've just arrived at the venue and I'm stoked! I'm kind of tired from last night, but I'll be fine. Apparently, we were late, and we only had ten minutes until we went on.
All of the guys were backstage getting warmed up for the crazy concert ahead of us. I was working on my Vocal warm ups when I see Jaime across the room twiddling his thumbs.
When he does that, it means that something's bothering him. He was acting pretty strange when we were talking about Taryn. Does he think that I like Taryn? No, I don't think so... Or does he?
While I'm thinking, Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see Taryn in the same outfit from last night. "Umm, hi Vic. I just wanted to thank you... For like everything."she says biting her lip nervously.
"Well... Your Welcome." I say as she awkwardly stares at me for like 15 seconds. "VIC, LET'S GO!!!!" Mike yells as he grabs his drumsticks and runs out to the stage.
"Listen, I gotta go." I say to her as I run out onto the stage. I'm standing in front of hundreds of people chanting "PIERCE THE VEIL!!" I just love the view I get from the stage.
*After the concert
"Great show you guys!!!!"Tony exclaims as he pulls Mike into a bro hug. Jaime and I felt awkward just standing there, so I pulled him into a hug. He's about to pull back until I grab him by the waist. I'm about to go in for a kiss when-
"VIC I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ALONE!!" Is all I hear before Taryn pulls my wrist and takes me all the way back to the tour bus.
"Taryn... What do you want?" I ask with a sigh. I want to be with Jaime, but I'm stuck with Taryn. "I just wanted to say that.... Ummm.... I think..... I think I like you." She says the last part fast.
My eyes are wide, and before I can say something, she darts into the bathroom and locks herself in. I'm still confused, but decide to try to get her out of there. I knock on the door and she just tells me to go away.
"Taryn, if you don't open this door right now, I'm knocking it down." I threaten. "HA doubt it!"She replies. "Here goes fucking nothing." I whisper to myself as I bust it down with my foot.
"Wow... You actually did it." She says as she sits on the floor and puts her face in her hands. "Vic, I know that Jaime and I are dating-"(Yeah, not really.)-But, I really like you! You've been nice to me, even though I've been a total bitch to everyone."
She's about to say something else when Jaime walks in. "Uhhh, what are you guys doing?" He asks. Taryn turns to me and I sigh. "She was just apologizing for everything she's done." I say with a smile.
"Yeah. Well, I'll be in my bunk if anyone needs me." She says as she gets up and walks out. "Sooo, Jaime. You wanna go "relax" in my bunk?" I say with a sexy accent. "No, I'm tired." He starts to walk away when he turns around and asks,"Wait, why is the bathroom door like broken?"
"Uhh, long story. I'll get Mike to fix it." I say. I get up and go relax in my own bunk. I close the curtains and put in my earbuds. I just stare at the bottom of Jaime's bunk while I try to wrap my head around what.just.happend.
FINALLY!!! I just wrote this in my notes and copied and pasted :)
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Stay For Tonight
FanfictionVic Fuentes has fallen madly in love with his best friend Jaime Preciado. He finally has the guts to tell him and Jaime loves him back! Only problem: Jaime has a girlfriend. She decided to tag along with them on tour. Nothing could possibly go wrong...