Chapter 11
Stay For Tonight
Jaime's P.O.V
It's been a week ever since the whole Taryn incident. And it's been just... Beautiful :)
Tony's been more at ease and celerated her leaving with a Star Wars marathon.
Mike is just being his badass self.
And Vic and I have been more romantic with eachother lately, and I love it. Being able to hold hands together in public is really all I've wanted for a while.
The bus is finally at peace without a bitch floating around the damn place.
Until today that is.
"HEY! Tour Manager is here. He said something about a contest he wants us to do for the fans." Mike says, walking into the room. Vic's sitting on my lap and Tony was just playing on his phone on the couch across from us.
"Hey you guys!" Our Manager exclaims as he walks in and takes a seat next to Vic and I. He doesnt know about "us", so he raised an eyebrow when he saw how we were sitting. He brushed it off I guess.
"So, I was thinking, that being on tour was the perfect time for a contest!" He says excitedly. "What type of contest?" Tony says as he yawns and stretches, seeming uninterested in the whole thing.
"Okay: We make a tweet on twitter. Whoever the 500th person to retweet it wins!" He says. "Okay, but what's the PRIZE!" Mike asks, his eyes lighting up. "They get to join you guys for the rest of the tour!" He says, making an explosion noise afterwards.
"I'm cool with it!" I say. It would be nice for someone to join us! Not a bitch, but someone cool. "If Hime-Time is cool with it, so am I." Vic says smiling. "Uh okay. What about you tone?" He asks Tony.
"I guess it would be fun and cool, but what if we get some lunatic? I don't think we should..." Tony says. "He has a point. How about another type of contest we could do?" Mike asks. "Oh, well umm, I kind of already announced that we were having a contest on Facebook..." Our Manager says.
"What the hell man! Why'd you even ask us then?" Vic yells. "Legal Purposes... But come on! It'll be fun!" He says. "Well, I don't want to disappoint the fans... So I guess we're doing it." Tony sighs.
"Yeah, there's a small chance of getting a crazy anyways!" Vic says.
"Okay, I guess we'll do it then!" I say finally.
"GREAT! I'll post the tweet right now on the page!" He says getting up. "We'll announce the winner tomorrow." He says as he walks off the bus.
"Okay, I'm stoked. What if we get like a hot girl?" Mike says excitedly. "What if we get a girl with the hottest personality EVER!" Tony says mocking Mike.
Mike just elbows Tony in the side while laughing.
"Or a really cute guy..." I say, getting Vic's attention. "You little whore!" He says laughing. He turns around and tackles me onto the floor.
We start kissing, but we soon remember that we aren't alone. "Okay, establishing a new rule. No frenching in front of us, kay?" Mike says leaving the room.
"Well,Tomorrow should be interesting." Tony says getting up and walking to his bunk.
We roll off of eachother and lay on the floor. We interlock hands and just stare at the bus ceiling. "Where is the winner gonna sleep? It can't be the couch..." Vic asks with concern.
"In Taryn's old bunk. It might smell like slut, but we'll febreeze the bunk down." I say as I turn my head, snile and stare at Vic. "I love you Hime." He says. "Love you too taco." I reply. "Oh, such a racist nickname- Why Taco?" He asks me.
"Well, cause you're mexican, small, and irresitable!" I say, taking his face into my hands and peck his lips. "Oh Haha." He laughs sarcastically.
"Hey, uhh, we won't have much private time starting tomorrow... Soo, can we like..." Vic starts as he traces my tatoo on my arm with his finger. "Yes. I would love to." I answer. "YES! MARIO KART! FINALLY! I'VE WAITED FOREVER TO PLAY WITH YOU!" He screams as he gets up and runs to the lounge
"What a tease." I sigh and laugh. I get off the floor and walk to the lounge where Vic has the game started up.
I went on vacation :p
And some therapy stuff...
But I'm back!!

Stay For Tonight
FanfictionVic Fuentes has fallen madly in love with his best friend Jaime Preciado. He finally has the guts to tell him and Jaime loves him back! Only problem: Jaime has a girlfriend. She decided to tag along with them on tour. Nothing could possibly go wrong...