Stay For Tonight
Jaime's P.O.V
I woke up at 7:00am because we have a very rare morning show. We've never had a show start in the morning, but hey. It'll be fun.
I go to wake up Taryn so she can start getting ready. When I walk to her bunk, I see an orange blanket peeking out of her bunk.
I look inside and see her snuggling with Vic's giraffe blanket. He doesn't let anyone touch his blanket, especially sleep with it. "Taryn? Are you awake?" I'm pretty sure she has a hangover, so I'm trying to be gentle.
She opens her eyes and immediately holds her head in pain. "Ahhhh, Jaime. Get me some pain pills please?" She asks.
I nod my head and go get the pills. I bump into Vic who's holding 2 pills and a glass of water in his hands.
"Gooood morning babe!" He says as he kisses me on the cheek. "Good morning Vic. Why does Taryn have your blanket?" I ask. "Well, she came back to the bus at like 2 in the morning with some douche-"
"She came back with a guy?" I say, cutting Vic off. "Yeah, but they were just friends. She was saying bye, and he wanted to do stuff with her-like bad stuff-but I stopped him. Then she started crying and I was trying to comfort her. That's all. And I carried her to her bunk and gave her my blanket!"
"And now, I'm taking her some pain pills, I'm pretty sure she's hungover." He says. I let him pass by and I just go get ready for the show.
I open my suitcase and pick a grey tee with a pair of black skinny's. As I'm walking to the bathroom to change and fix my hair, I bump into Vic again.
We haven't really had the chance to be all romantic with each other because of Taryn, but she was in her bunk half asleep.
Vic just looks into my eyes for what seems like forever. I look back into his chocolate brown eyes.
I soon end up crashing my lips onto his. It wasn't rough, it was sweet, like in the movies. He starts pulling at the hem of my shirt, kissing me harder each second."You know, I've had a dream about this before Jaime." Vic says. I help him take off my gray tee when-
"JAIME? HONEY? WHERE ARE YOU?" Taryn's practically screaming. I quickly put my shirt back on and give Vic a quick peck on the cheek before I dart out of the lounge and to Taryn's bunk. "What's wrong?" I ask her, even though I could care less.
"Hey, will you tell Vic that I say thanks for what he did last night.!" She says all drunk-like and falls back asleep.
Did they?-No. Vic hates Taryn. Vic and I are together. We both hate Taryn. He would never do that. I don't know why, but I feel-jealous. I think Taryn's a slut, but does Vic secretly like her?
I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Mike pats me on the shoulder and yells, "LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!!!!" As I realize we are at the venue somehow. We all get off the bus, and leave Adam in charge of Taryn in case she wakes up.
"Don't you guys feel great?" Tony says all pumped. "Yeah. Never better...." I say as I sigh
Suck-ish capter :/ But at least it's something!
May The 4th be with you!!
In honor of our Favorite Turtle

Stay For Tonight
FanfictionVic Fuentes has fallen madly in love with his best friend Jaime Preciado. He finally has the guts to tell him and Jaime loves him back! Only problem: Jaime has a girlfriend. She decided to tag along with them on tour. Nothing could possibly go wrong...