The Slut of the Ginyu Force (Oc #5)

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Name: Casava

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Name: Casava

Age: 30+

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Poly sexual

Race: Humanoid Alien

Personality: Doesn't give two shits about what other people say. Sure she'll look and act nice but that's probably because there is a reward behind it and she needs that reward. Outside of her job, she looks for men/women (at least around 5 to 10 each) to satisfy her sexual desires.


- Energy Wave Combo
- Evil Explosion
- Justice Kick
- Core Breaker
- Final Pose (Recome)
- Kill Driver
- Shockwave
- Consecutive Energy Blast
- Gorgeous Shot
- Endless Shoot
- Heroic Counter
- Crusher Volcano (Jeice)
- Spirit Slash

Custom Skills:

- Casava Exposure Bomber: Just like Recome's Ultra Fighting Bomber but the stance is different to her form. And when she releases the energy, it will create a blast radius much bigger than Recome's.

- Energy Suckage: Once she has you paralyzed and stunned, she will suck off her opponent, pleasing them but making them really weak to the point of one touch and they die.

Backstory: Being part of the Ginyu Force is a privilege for some. But people like Bonyu, and Casava, they were deemed special with their fighting abilities and their very own Custom poses. One that make their enemies fear them and one that impressed Captain Ginyu himself. In the years of being part of the Special Ginyu Force, Casava has given her title, the Slut of the Ginyu Force as she would please each amd every one of the members, relieving them of their pent up stress and helping them regain their energy so that they can do better for their next mission. During the Namek Saga, she was called by Ginyu to help the force deal with Earthlings and the traitor Vegeta and deliver the Dragonballs to Freiza. Finishing her other mission, she set sights on Namek to help her team only to be beaten by Jamal in only two hits.

Lovers in Story:
- The whole Ginyu Force
- Zarbon
- Dodoria
- Bonyu

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