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I was at the hockey stadium with Stella by my side. I reached into my bag and pulled out a book. Stella gave me a death stare. "You're not really gonna read, are you?" she asked. "Of course, I will-" 

My book was pulled out of my hand, but not by Stella. I turned around and saw Alex in his hockey suit with my book in his hand. I looked at him with disbelief. "Hey there," he greeted us before glancing behind himself at some kind of lockers. At that moment, I understood what he was about to do. 

"Don't you fucking dare." I warned him and he threw my book into the locker before locking it and taking the key. 

"Oh come on!" I rolled my eyes and he smirked. I looked at Stella next to me. She was giggling. I elbowed her and she raised her hands in surrender. "I'll go find our seats." Stella announced. I watched her leave before turning back at Alex and glaring at him. 

"You're cute when you're mad." he stated. "Your head would be cute as a trophy on my wall." I shrugged. "It's big here." I glanced at the ice rink. "It's bigger down here." he assumed as he wandered with his eyes towards his crotch, making my cheeks heat up. I took a breath to say something but my words won't come out. 

Then I froze.

 "Hey, princess, I-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence and peaked over his shoulder to see what I was looking at. "Who is that?" he asked when he spotted the boy I was staring at. "My ex-boyfriend." My eyes never left him as he made his way towards us. He grins widely as he puts a hand over my shoulder. 

"Hey, Hayden! How are ya doing?" I flinched. "I'm fine. Thanks." I pulled away so he wasn't touching me anymore. Then he greeted Alex. 

"I should find Stella.." I muttered and looked at Alex and my ex for the last time before turning around and climbing up the tribuns. I wasn't really aware of what was happening at the game but I knew that our team won. 

The only thing that I could focus on was that he was here. He was here. Over and over again and I couldn't escape it. 

After the game ended and we finally got out in the fresh air, the team invited us to a party. I didn't respond but Stella assured them that we both are coming. Everything was happening quickly. I felt like I couldn't even register what was actually happening. 

Chatter and laughter was floating around me but I didn't really pay attention to the conversation. I tugged at Stella's shirt gently. "Can we go?" I plead. She gave me a skeptical and worried look. "Is everything alright?" she asked. "Yeah, I just want to go." 

At the same moment Alex walked out of the building. His lip was scratched. 

Stella wrapped her hand around my arm and led me to her car. We sat down and she started driving. "Look, I know we don't know each other for too long, but you can talk to me." Stella said, her eyes never leaving the road. "My ex was there. We don't have a pretty past, that's all." I sighed. "And thank you." I mutter. "I'm here, if you want to talk." she reached for my hand and gave it a quick squeeze.


Stella and I were sitting in a car again. We were sitting in the back seats, Eliott in the passenger seat and Eliott's friend in the driver's seat. I finally loosened up a little after we took a shot before climbing into the car. I was laughing like crazy in the back seat while we stopped in front of a huge house. 

This party wasn't a normal dorm room party. It was a party in the house of one of Alex's teammates as a celebrate for their win. I stepped out of the car. I looked over at Stella, who had her mouth wide open.

 As soon as we stepped into the house, the smell of sweat and alcohol hit my nose. It was familiar already. The house was bloody crowded and I felt like I could get lost at any second. I wrapped my hands around Stella's arm. We head to the kitchen together. Alex was standing there with one of his teammates. 

As soon as he spotted me he ran over to me and lifted me up in the air as he spun me around. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "We have to talk." he whispered into my ear as he set me down but his serious tone shifted into a playful one when he started talking with someone else. Stella looked at me with unspoken questions in her eyes and I just shrugged, not knowing the answer.

 The night went on but I was still partially sober. I was searching for Stella, but somebody, I have no idea who, told me she went upstairs with some boy. Not even Eliott was at the sight so I chose the last option: Alex. 

I found him pretty quickly. He was leaning against the wall in the living room. "Alex!" I shouted when I got closer. "Hey, princess, enjoying yourself?" he smiled. "Not really. Can we go back to the dorm?" I pleaded. He just nodded and took my hand, leading me out of the party. "Am I gonna need to save you at every party we'll go on?" he asked playfully. "I hope not." I answer. I was surprised when he led me to his car. 

"How many drinks did you have?" I asked skeptically. "Just one beer an hour ago." His voice was calming. I sat into his car and he started driving. 

"By the way, people think we're dating," he said casually. 

"What? Why? So that's what you wanted to talk about?" I started shooting millions of questions on him. "Zoey set her mouth free. Basically she just told everybody she met that we're dating. And yes, that's half of what I wanted to talk about." he answered my questions. "And the other half?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"You flinched. You fucking flinched when he touched you." he stated.

Hey guys. I'm curently writing like CRAZY so be excited for new chapters. Leave comment or a star. Love you, bye. XX, Kris.

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