First Love

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This wasn't the first time I had liked a girl, but it was the first time I knew it was love. I can't tell to you how I knew, I just knew. My heart raced the first time I meet her deep green eyes. Time stopped when we crossed paths, I could smell the sweet aroma of her perfume. It filled me. I couldn't stop looking at her when she passed me I continued staring. Her blonde hair reached just above her hips; that she swayed from side to side like a runway model. She lost herself in the sea of students in the halls of St. Paul Academy.

Today was my first day in this high school and I had already met an angel. I felt a tap on my shoulder that brought out of the trance that girl had put me on.

"So… you like her right?" He was my best and only friend since middle school he was the reason I wasn't bullied during my last year.

I looked at my feet; my shoes were big and clunky in comparison to Tom's were stylish like the ones some famous singer would wear. I had to accept it but Tom would have a better chance than me with a girl as beautiful as her; He was taller than me, athletic, had good grades and most importantly he was confident.

On the other hand I was overweight, bad at sports and had a terrible case of crippling shyness.

There! I said it!

I am a big ball of lard, a kid that never had any friends, I was never good at sports, so I always held back any team I was part, so I stopped playing with others. That made me a social outcast.

If I was only overweight wouldn't be much of a problem, the real problem is that it's hard for me to make friends and apparently I have this aura that makes people want to bully or ignore me. What the fuck! Really! That’s the worst part. I wouldn't mind being alone but people keep pushing, I just wish they all just ignored me.

Or that's what I used to think. That changed when I was in my last year of middle school. Tom came to our school from Europe. We became friends, thank God we had so much in common, and we both like the same music and the same kind of video games. I was able to make a precious friend. When I started to hanging around him the bullying stopped but not the ignoring sadly.

"Hey! Sandy! Stop spacing out! We are already on the classroom!" I hate that nickname. Tom's voice was very distant, I was lost in my thoughts and we had already reached our classroom. The room itself was pretty standard long blackboard at the front, teacher's desk on the side and six rows of seats.

There were already a bunch of students in the room, some were chatting with their friends others were organizing their school materials and books. Tom sat on the second to last seat of the last row.

"So the same as in middle school right?" I said this to Tom in an almost whisper.

"These are the best seats to sleep during class!" shameless that's why you will never be over me in on grades!

"And now you are thinking 'That's why you will never beat me on grades!' right?" Damn you, stop reading my mind!

"I don't care about my grades as long as I pass, I just want to have fun." Tom was a carefree guy, he didn't really make an effort in anything but he always got grades almost as good as mine, is he a Mary Sue? I wished I was like him.

"Anyway about that girl we saw..." No, no, NO! Don't bring her up now I'm going to die of embarrassment just remembering her makes my heartbeat crazy.

Is this what they call love at first sight? I never believed in it, I have read a lot of romance and I always thought that characters that fell in love without even knowing their names were dumb, that it was a cheap way for the writer to start the plot going, I hated that kind of stupid romance yet here I am in love with a girl who I don't even know her name or what grade she is.

"...What are you talking a-about" That didn't sound convincing.

"Isn't her that one in by the door" What? I looked at her and instantly recognized her golden hair

"... That is kissing with that guy" What?


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