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It's been a week since school started, Tom unsurprisingly has gathered a following of cute girls and the enmity of most of the guys, as for me, I haven't made a single friend... or acquaintance, at least most teachers treat me well because I'm a quiet hardworking student, and as for my crush on Katie (yeah I know her name now, we are on the same class after all.) Every time I see her, my heart races as if it wants to rip my chest open, but Katie has a boyfriend... or something like that. She is what the other girls call a... no I can't say it's too cruel

"Slut" The whisper of a classmate came from my side, I pretended I was reading my textbook and hadn’t heard. "I tell you that Katie is a whore!" What a good timing right?

"Yeah! The other day I saw her with Chris from the soccer team on the Multiplex" It's painful to hear this kind of gossip and not be able to do something to stop it.

"And the next day he was with Bobby from our class behind the third school building" Stop it I don't want to know! I know someone like her would never look at me, but I can't stop these feelings! Why did my first love have to be with her!? Come on God this not fucking funny, stop it now!

"So... you wanna eat something or are you on a diet?" Tom was looking at me from the desk in front of me

"As if…" my monotonous response was received with a smile

"Well then let’s go to the cafeteria today's special is Pizza, Pizza it's your favorite right?" What? are you trying to cheer me?

"A-Are you try-" that came sounding as if I was about to start crying but Tom interrupted me.

"Of course I am trying to cheer you up aren't we bros that's what bros do right?" Fuck you if I was a girl I would have fallen you now... what a dangerous thought better burry it somewhere.

The cafeteria was half empty, or was it half full... no definitely half empty. Tom brought two trays with the same food: apple juice, two slices of peperoni pizza and a bunch of French fries. He sat in front of me in one of the few two person tables. He of course chose this table because he doesn't want to be bothered by his fan club.

"So what's the problem" So direct. Tom opened his apple juice bottle and drank from it without removing his sight from me.

"Problem? I don't have any problem!" I let out a forced laugh that gave me away

"Don't play games with me Sandy" he took a deep breath, I knew what was coming "So you have this big crush for Katie, but because she likes to fool arround and you are insecure can’t approach her so you are trying to forget her but that makes you feel depressed" Fuck you stop reading my mind and stop being so direct think of how others may feel! Also we are guys we shouldn’t be talking about our feeling that's what women do!

"Pretty much" I said this because when Tom goes like this there is no stopping him "So do you have any advice?" I looked at tom with expectant eyes.

"..." Tom was contemplating with the concentration of a Tibetan monk he surely was going to tell me something very profound

"Nope" and he stuffed a complete piece of pizza in his mouth. I am going to kill you.

"Ahem… Tom" It was Emily from our class. She was a diligent girl with short black hair and blue eyes, from some of the conversations I had overheard in class I knew she was in a scholarship. She must be pretty amazing for that.

"Err..." Tom wasn't good with names, what the fuck man is that why you always call me Sandy? Tom looked at me with a helpless expression.

"Emily" I whispered to Tom

"Emily? Yes? What's Up?" Argh! Don't act as if you remembered her name!

"I was thinking if... if you want to come sit with us" She pointed to her left to a table where the average kids hung... the normal kids if you will. Tom face went stiff and his eyes where stabbing Emily as if she was a potato... ugh what a bad analogy

"Ah, No sorry I am right now sitting with MY FRIEND Sandy, maybe other day" he said this with a big smile... a fake one... why the emphasis on 'my friend' ... and Sandy? Don’t you know my name? At least when you talk to someone else about me tell them my real name! Emily looked like if she wanted to cry, you are a cruel bastard when you want Tom

"Oh is that so?" she glimpsed at me and our eyes meet and she quickly looked back at the more handsome Tom "Well maybe another day!" the cheerfulness returned to her voice... man you almost break her as she returned to her table Tom Stuffed a second slice in his mouth, how the heck was he so fit? Whenever I asked him about it he said ‘it’s the genes’.

"It's that ok?" I asked Tom while I stuffed a handful of French fries.

"Yes the pizza is delicious" Idiot.

"What I mean is…"

"Ah that!… Of course it's ok we are talking serious business here! I hate when people ignore you" He gave another sip to the juice finishing it.

"You should forget about Katie... she wouldn't know a good guy even if he fell from the sky on her" If I fell on Katie she probably would break a few bones.

"No" my instant response surprised me, and made Tom raised an eyebrow Spock style "She is the real deal for me, I did really fell hard for her, even if she is like that. It is love, true love" did my face go red? It feels a bit hot.

"..." Tom remained silent looking at me in the eyes... what are you thinking Tom? "Well the only option you have…" Tom started talking with a serious tone, like he was talking to a cancer patient or something. Don't come up with some bullshit now! Be serious please!

"...Confess to her!" fuck you

"Co-Confess!? Are you out of your fucking mind!" I raised my voice a little bit too much, all the cafeteria is looking at me but Tom seems unfazed by it

"Yes Confess! It’s not hard! You just make sure she is alone and tell her how you feel"    

"It may be easy for you. You could go and ask any girl you wanted and get a sure yes by response"

"Really?" Tom tilted his head like a puppy.  Fuck you don't act as if you don't know. That only makes me madder!

"But that's not the point!" he said this in a cheerful schoolgirl like attitude. Dude you are scaring me

"The point?" I asked, what is he talking about?

"The point!" Stop with the schoolgirl thing it creeps me out! But he continued "The point is... what can she answer to you asking her out?" Tom took a French fry and pointed at me with it.

"Eh?" What is he getting at?

"Well she could say 'Yes!' and you would become a couple and do all kinds of couple-y stuff" 'stuff' that sounds great!

"Or she could say 'No' and you would be able to forget about her, it's like Schrodinger's girlfriend right? Open the damn box and be done with it already" I wanted to make a retort but he was so damn convincing. He started eating his French fries one by one.

"Well I think you are right... I will confess"

"Really?" Don't look so surprised I am a man after all!

"But... I will do it on the last day before summer" Tom again with his Spock eyebrow looked at me with pity in his eyes

"Well but if you don't do it I will kick your ass" a fake smile like that one is sure scary I don't know if he is serious or not!

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