It's not very effective!

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The last day before summer break flew away... for others! For me it's was the longest day of my life. Our last class was biology, something about mitosis, I didn't really care, couldn't even remember what other classes we had that day. Tom didn't even talk to me, as he kept his distance from me. Well at least he was able to socialize with his fan club

"Well that's all class... have a fun summer break" Miranda, our bubbly unmarried biology teacher was very popular with the guys; she was young and yet gave that mature feel some boys are into. Tom who sat in front of me looked back and for the first time today talked to me...

"I'll be waiting for you on the store outside the school" eh? "Good luck" 'good luck', that’s the best you can do?! At least give me a tip or a cheat sheet! My hands couldn't stop shaking while I stuffed my text-books on my backpack my heart was beating so fast I started to feel dizzy, I could see her gracefully putting her books on the bag. She went outside the classroom and I followed her, she was with some girl from another class. Come on I need courage for this I promised I would do it today so there is no backing down

"Ka--" I tried to call her name but my voice refused to come out, I tried again "KATIECANIHAVEAWORDWITHYOUPLEASE" Shit! Shit! Shit! Someone sound the alarm!

"What?" This was the first time she talked to me... this was not memorable at all, I started to breath heavily but closed my eyes and took a deep breath to tranquilize, It worked

"Ca-can I have word with you alone?" her face made an expression of disgust or confusion, she was harder to read than Tom, Katie looked at her friend for a moment probably talking with telepathy. She did a 'don't worry I have my Taser in my bag' expression, we walked away from her friend, we went into an empty classroom.

"Ah, yes...” she clapped her hand and made a cute smile "you are that guy that's always with Tom right? What does he want?" Wow! She doesn't even consider that I would want to talk to her...

"Actually..." I took a deep breath and my respiration regularized "... I am the one who wants to talk with you."

"Eh?" she made an expression of total confusion, like if I was trying to explain her how a fourth dimensional space would work with flat two dimensional shapes, err… well like I tried to explain her something really hard.

"You see..." come on spit it out and let her say no so I can move on! Something made a 'snap' sound and everything came out naturally "I love you" that didn't sound like my voice... was someone else on the room? No it was only me and Katie, That manly voice was mine. "… I know it sound stupid but I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and I can't get you out of my mind!" she stood shocked for a moment, was my attack effective? Like 'Super effective'?

I wish I could tell you that she said yes that my confession had impressed her and that we started dating, I wish I could tell you that – but high school is not fairy-tale world. I never told Tom about this, But he knew, sure damn he knew

She let the most sardonic laugh I have ever heard... girls shouldn't be able to laugh like that.

"Eh? …Are you serious? Wait, YOU ARE SERIOUS!" she laughed harder "come on who do you think am I? For that matter look at you" I couldn't stop looking down my feet "Did... Did you really think that I could have any kind of interest in an pig like you?" my shoes started to look as if I was seeing at them thought a distorted glass, tears, I didn't want to cry so why am I crying? And yet she continued "...and you know how creepy this is? I haven't even talked to you before and you say you 'love' me? You sure watch a lot of soap operas, not even in a hundred years I would go out with a fat-ass like you." I just stood there looking at my wobbly shoes "Hey!" I looked up and saw that she was almost at the door looking back at me. She saw my tears.

"You are a pathetic loser and a disgusting creep. Don't ever dare to talk to me again" the words didn't hurt as much as her expression, it was the expression of someone that's looking at the most vomit-inducing piece of crap ever.

I stayed on the classroom crying, well not crying because I wasn't bawling', my eyes didn't want to stop producing tears so I stayed there until the tears stopped the sky was red so I took out my cell-phone and sent a text-message to Tom

"She said no. Don't wait for me I want to go home alone today"

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