Dawn of the last day

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After that the summer vacation went like a breeze I continued to jog every other day my belly became smaller but I wasn't still there I didn't really notice much change on me but Rosa said that I had changed a lot, my face was no longer full of pimples, I no longer got exhausted by just walking a bit I was becoming healthier and happier.

When Tom came back from London I introduced Rosa to him. At first he didn't believe it but when Rosa confirmed it he give me a high five I didn't want to brag in front of Rosa but I also couldn't leave him hanging so I had to oblige. Rosa and Tom became friends quickly and sometimes the three of us would go and hang out at the park

During the summer we went to an amusement park, Rosa couldn't get into any of the games so we just walked on. Tom got into every roller coaster and got hit on by girls. Me and Rosa held hands some people would just brush us as a happy couple other will stare probably thinking how could HE get such a cutie... I will not lie thinking that made me happy. When I went to get some drinks for us three I came back and Tom and Rosa where a bit awkward. Tom told me that some woman came and told them that they looked nice together. Rosa got so angry that she yelled at the woman telling her that Tom was just a friend and that his real boyfriend had gone to bring them something to drink I laughed because it made my happy.

Another day Rosa and me went to the Multiplex to watch a movie Rosa picked the action science fiction movie of the year 'Avatar' Directed by James Cameron she would look at the screen like a little girl would look at the window of a pet store, her eyes almost never blinked and she would make little noises when something exciting happened I didn't watch the movie and just looked at her for the almost three hours the movie lasted. We held hands the whole time.

Tom told me that we were supposed to do something else there but I was happy just with just that, we don't need to rush things.

The last day of summer vacation I noticed something Rosa was much more talkative, in comparison to the first day I meet her. I had just finished my jogging for the day and she was playing 'battleship' with Tom they had become good friends.

"A-4" Rosa said "hit something?"

"nope" I slapped Tom in the back of his head

"Stop cheating!"

"Argh when did you finish running?"

"Are you cheating Tom? that's not just!" Rosa said this playfully

"Hey don't act so mighty just because you have a cute girlfriend!" you... he punched me on my arm and I tried to do the same.

Rosa started to laugh trying to cover her mouth with her hands we both stopped and looked at her the sun rays reflected on her pure white sundress made her look like an angel that had just fallen from the heavens. I can't really believe she is my girlfriend, my face was hot and Tom had stopped struggling with me, he let me go.

When Rosa stopped laughing she cleared her throat with a delicate 'Ahem'

"I have a surprise for you two tomorrow" she put her finger on her chin and looked contemplative "but I think it will be more surprising for you Alex" eh?

"what is it?"


when she is like this there is no way of getting any useful info out of her so maybe I should just wait for tomorrow, The sky was red so we both walked Rosa to her house when we were about to reach her house, Tom stopped and leaned on a tree and made that face of 'I'll wait you here, have fun' thanks bro' when me and Rosa reached her house she spun half a circle on her feet and looked at me

"You are not going to give me a hint about the surprise tomorrow?"

"No, but I will give you this"

Again the warm feeling on my lips I had felt countless times before, this time was a bit different it was more 'wet'. Her fruity aroma filled my lungs and my mind, I felt dizzy and warm in all my body, like if we were to melt and become one. She must really like to kiss, she pushed me away lightly and said

"Wait for tomorrow"

She went into her house faster than before was she embarrassed? we just French-kissed... but I guess for someone like her this was really hardcore stuff I stood the a few seconds and looked the light of her room was turned on from her window.

"Well I guess I have to head home" Walked back the road and there was Tom with a smirk like if he knew what had just happened of course he wouldn't spy on us right? We walked down the road in complete silence until tom Said

"Your face is red" huh? I touched my face and it was really hot I could probably fry an egg on it; do I have fever or something?

"You are really lucky you know?" of course I know "you should give your thanks to Katie

Who? Ka-Katie I almost had forgotten about her! Now that I remember why should I give her thanks for anything?

"Why should I?"

"Well you hadn't been rejected you wouldn't have started to exercise and you wouldn't have come to the park and meet Rosa" well that's a bit… "You wouldn't be this happy" well I guess but…

"But wouldn't it be a bit awkward or look like I want to brag?" I said this while looking at the houses we were passing by I didn't want Tom to look at my still embraced face from that kiss.

"Well I guess you are right but I wonder if the opportunity to make something nice to her would come" Tom was looking at the stars it had become night already. thankfully mom had lessened my curfew since Tom was with me, We parted ways a street before my home Tom lived in the next block.

"See you tomorrow at school" said tom while waving his hand at me and I just raised my hand and said "See you"

When I got home my mother was preparing dinner she greeted me but I just headed to the bath to take a shower wash my face and go to sleep, I wanted to know what the surprise was.

Like every day since I started dating Rosa I closed my eyes and saw her, this time was different, I could feel her lips against mine and all the embarrassing things that come with a 'French-kiss' I fell asleep to that thought.

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