What is love

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That morning I had another healthy breakfast, today I didn't have to go jogging, or more like I had to let my body rest today but either way, after breakfast I put on my usual attire and headed to the park, I didn't forget to take my copy of 'The Princess Bride' so I could lend it to Rosa. When I got there I looked at the balcony and saw her she wasn't reading any book this time and was looking at my general direction I raised my hand and waved at her she waved back and stood up and walked into her house. Five minutes later she was at the park wearing again a sundress (this time it was yellow) with her usual large hat and a pair of sandals her feet were small and pretty and her toenails were painted red.


Suddenly I was extremely nervous.

"Hi, are you going to jog today" straight to the point eh? If I said no what would she think?

"N-No" she raised both her eyebrows, and I guess she tried to hide her smile "I just came to pass the day, and relax" And what better way to relax than to be with you

"Oh! I also brought the book I told you yesterday"

"Really? Let me take a look" she approached me and took the book off my hands she smelled like shampoo, a fruity one. "The princess bride" she read the title with the book almost on her face, does she need glasses? That would be too much "you will lend me this one?"

"Yes, that's the one" she flipped it and read the description on the back her eyes where moving really fast I started to worry that she may get dizzy

"Looks interesting" she sat on the picnic table opened the book on the first page and started reading no words were said she was absorbed on the book. I was happy she was so into the book also having a chance to look at her for a time without getting all flustered. We sat there together she reading my book and I looking at her. She finished the first chapter rather quickly when she turned the last page of that chapter she looked up directly at me and our eyes meet.

My face felt hot, really hot I guess it was red she catched me looking at her she just smiled and closed the book

"I like it" she got out of her bag the book she was reading yesterday and put mine in there "take it" she handed the book to me I looked at the cover it surely looked like some sort of fantasy novel.

"Thanks, I'll start reading it tonight" if get into the book right now I couldn't look more at you, or talk with you, she didn't seem to be disappointed by me no reading the book in that moment, we started talking about nonsensical things, like our favorite food, what type of music we liked, stuff about our families and how we lived. I learned a lot about her she learned a lot about me.

Now I knew that her favorite food was apple pie, that she didn't hear a lot of music mostly of what her music tutor showed her, that her mother was working on some hard to pronounce country in Asia, she was a research doctor. Her parents were surely amazing my family not so much my dad worked at the bank as an accountant my mother was a full time housewife.

"so you mother is always with you at home?" oh it must be hard for her not to be with her mother "That must be really nice!" I felt sorry for her I wanted to hug her but I didn't want to be creepy best I could do was to smile to her.

We continued talking until the sky was red when she noticed it she quickly looked at her wristwatch, she had to leave or her father would get angry this time I walked her to the top of the hill. We went on complete silence when we reached her house's gates she turned around and I noticed she was red as a ripe strawberry she opened her little mouth but not sound came out of it. Where have I seen this before?

Oh shit! it can't be!

"I like you Alex" I was going to say something but she continued "I know that you like me too" is this a dream? "I think" she whispered "...my heart races every time I'm with you and when I close my eyes I can see your eyes looking back at me"

I stood there like an idiot completely shocked. the second girl I fall in love had just confessed to me, not only that she also noticed my feelings

"Please... say something..." if this was a cartoon steam would be coming out of both our heads.

"You are right" it came out with that manly voice I had used before "I really like you. You are petite and have big eyes. you are funny and delicate and you like to read weird books" she giggled thank goodness she took it as the joke it was "I don't know if I'm good enough for you but if you accept me I want to be your boyfriend"

I felt a warm feel on my lips and the smell of fruits filled me I caressed her hair it was like refined silk and put my other hand on her back to hug her closer to me. She was more assertive than I had ever imagined. There were more happy days still to come for us.

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